Petrofilm : Conceptual Marketing Corporation -  PETROFILM.COM歐洲觀點的分析信息  АНАЛИЗ, ИНФОРМАЦИЯ ИЗ ЕВРОПЕЙСКОЙ ПЕРСПЕКТИВЫANALYSIS INTERPRETATION FROM A EUROPEAN PERSPECTIVEPETROFILM.COM Institute for Empathic Dialogue Creation and Conflict Resolution  Harald Dahle-Sladek Editor-in-Chief Location Oslo, Norway E mail CLICK HERE ORE RESOURCE CENTER BELOWTHE JOHNS HOPKINS UNIVERSITY INTEGRITY EMPATHY RESPECT DIGNITYANALYSIS, INFORMATIONS FROM A EUROPEAN PERSPECTIVE طلاعات تجزیه و تحلیل از یک چشم انداز اروپاییعزت احترام به همدلی یکپارچه سازیتجزیه و تحلیل ، اطلاعات از یک چشم انداز اروپاییINTEGRITEIT EMPATHIE RESPECTEER WAARDIGHEIDANALYSE, INFORMATIE VANUIT EEN EUROPEES PERSPECTIEFINTÉGRITÉ EMPATHIE RESPECT DIGNITÉANALYSE, INFORMATIONS D'UNE PERSPECTIVE EUROPÉENNE INTEGRIDAD EMPATÍA RESPETO DIGNIDADANÁLISIS, INFORMACIONES CON PERSPECTIVA DE EUROPAЦЕЛОСТНОСТЬ СОБСТВЕННОСТЬ УВАЖЕНИЕ ДОСТОИНСТВА АНАЛИЗ ИНФОРМАЦИИ С ПЕРСПЕКТИВЫ ИЗ ЕВРОПЫ 誠信尊重尊嚴  分析,來自歐洲的信息 Welcome!Herzlich willkommen! Bienvenido! добро пожаловать!  ようこそ!  Bienvenue!  歡迎   أهلا بك   The Grand European Plain It stretches from the Pyrenees Mountains and the French coast of the  Bay of Biscay  in the West to the Russian Ural Mountains in the East.EUROPE ЕВРОПА603.8 Million people - 603,8 миллиона человек - 6.038億人 歐洲  اروپا CLICK MAP PLAY EUROPEAN ANTHEMCLICK FLAG PLAY EUROPEAN UNIONThe European Union: 445 MillionCLICK EFTA LOGO FOR VIDEOThe European Free Trade Association EFTA: 13.6 MillionCLICK FLAG FOR RUSSIA BELARUSThe Russian Federation West of Ural: 101.6 Million CLICK FLAG FOR BREXIT VIDEOThe United Kingdom: 66.6  MillionOslo, November 2021Ноябрь 2021 г.   2021 年 11 月  نوامبر 2021 UN Article 19, EU Charter Article 11 Freedom of Expression Everyone has the right to Freedom of Expression. This right shall include freedom to hold opinions and to receive and impart information and ideas without interference by public authority and regardless of frontiers. UN Article 23 Right to Work Everyone has the right to work, to free choice of employment, to just and favourable conditions of work and to protection against unemployment. Everyone, without any discrimination, has the right to equal pay for equal work. UN Article 21 Non-DiscriminationAny discrimination based on sex, race, color, ethnic or social origin, genetic traits, language, religion or belief, political or other opinion, membership of a national minority, property, birth, disability, age or sexual orientation shall be prohibited.Nuremberg Principles VI: Crimes against Humanity.Murder, extermination, enslavement, deportation and other inhumane acts done against any civilian population, or persecutions on political, racial, or religious grounds, when such acts are done, or such persecutions are carried on in execution of or in connection with any crime against peace or any war crime.  EUROPEPETROFILM.COMEMPATHY  RESPECT  DIGNITYEUROPE  ЕВРОПАHelmut KohlCHANCELLOR OF GERMANY'S UNITY AND THE EURO  Click picture Play videoHelmut Kohl was the Chancellor who voted for the Euro, created dialogue and common ground with Russa and united Germany together with Mikhail Gorbachev. Kohl was a German statesman who served as Chancellor of Germany from 1982 to 1998 and as the chairman of the Christian Democratic Union from 1973 to 1998. From 1969 to 1976, Kohl was minister president of the state Rhineland-Palatinate. Kohl chaired the Group of Seven in 1985 and again in 1992. ANALYSIS INTERPRETATION FROM A EUROPEAN PERSPECTIVEPETROFILM.COMInstitute for Empathic Dialogue Creation and Conflict ResolutionHarald Dahle-SladekFounder and Editor-in-chiefОснователь и главный редакторبنیانگذار و مدیرمسئول總編輯 創 Warning Lamps are Flashing!And now, warnings lamps are flashing, as  nuclear powered nations seek to preserve an imagined threshold over an even more imaginary  enemy.  The collapse of Western logic in Afghanistan is the fuse which can bury Human Dignity. DEFENDING OUR FREEDOM?Lockheed Martin F-22 Raptor is a fifth-generation, single-seat, twin-engine, all-weather stealth tactical fighter aircraft developed for the United States Air Force REINFORCING DETERRENCE  ON NATO'S EASTERN FLANK Hello friends! The US think-tank RAND with close ties to the military, just completed a very important study with regards to NATO allies defence of the Baltic states Estonia and Latvia. And the result is pretty darn gloomy reading. For my own part I will also ad Norway. NATO today is not able to defend it's most vulnerable states! Please read the report yourself and make up your own opinion. We must fight ISIS and terrorism in all it's uglyness. Keep your eyes and ears wide open and repport anything suspicious. Cheers! FASCISM IN AMERICAKarl Jaspers:"That which has happened is a Warning!""To forget it is guilt. It must be continually remembered. It was possible for this to happen. And it remains possible for it to happen again at any minute. Only in knowledge can it be prevented." Karl Theodor Jaspers German, Born 23 February 1883, passed away on  26 February 1969, was a German-Swiss psychiatrist and philo-sopher who had a strong influence on modern theology psychiatry, and philosophy. After being trained in and practicing psychiatry, Jaspers turned to philosophical inquiry and attempted to discover an innovative philosophical system. He was often viewed as a major exponent of existentialism in Germany, though he did not accept the label.LIFEMonuments Carved in Granite on Barren FieldsWhen one talks about Life, it is pertinent to ask, what life does one mean? The entire life, or just selected parts of it? The parts that we like and prefer and leave the rest not to be mentioned? The people who will walk a mile with me, but say “no thank you” to carry my burden and walk another mile? The ones who never invited me for a cup of tea, but proclaim seriously that I am a “friend”? The ones who admire their own achievements highly, but never had time to visit me once. What life are they adhering to? The one in parts, or the one in totality?A warning sign for our time. I want to be seen in totality; I do not want that my life be selectively butchered and twisted into something it is not. My articles are monuments in stone in a barren landscape devoid of humanism. They are there to warn and to encourage, but not to be neglected. In today’s vain world, where it has become so increasingly popular to talk IN a mobile phone, instead of empathizing WITH and showing human DIGNITY; where one is accustomed to appreciating media hype, political lies, lack  of responsibilities leading to mass starvation and mass death; in such a world and coldness between people, the abnormal has become the trend, and sadly this is what we adhere to. In such an inter human setting, the message is clear, why bother to respect the other person right in front of ourselves. It is so much easier to babble because the spoken word carries no longer any commitment, it is free, it does not cost anything to say this or the other. Life is easy when one is free not to engage in another person’s life-and-death experiences, when it is so much more convenient to look at a movie. People who ignore monuments carved out in granite on barren fields are confirming themselves to the believes of death and destruction. We who write and warn have the humanistic right to say this. It is our task in life. Not to be kind to death and destruction, but to admire and encourage Life. We expect the same from others as we expect from ourselves. And if the other fail, we must go forward alone, and warn. That is our destiny.2021 IN RETROSPECT: THE YEAR THE UNITED STATES DISGRACEFULLY LEFT AFGHANISTANDeputy Foreign Minister for Economic Affairs, Governor of the Central Bank, Ambassador to Tokyo and Ottawa interviewed by PETROFILMHis Excellency Seyed Mohammad Hossein Adeli PhD. Foreign Ministry Tehran: From the left His Excellency Seyed Mohammad Hossein Adeli PhD. To his left is the Editor-in-chief Harald Dahle from Oslo.THE OPERATIONS OF THE UNITED STATESIN AFGHANISTAN  ALSO CAME AS THE ACTIVE SUPPORT FROM IRAN A GOLDEN OPPORTUNITYfor Washington to better its relations with Teheranwent out of the window!  CLICK PICTURE PLAY VIDEODr. Adeli explains Iran's view regarding Afghanistand and the U.S.Dr. Adeli: "Great disappointment!" This interview was conducted in Dr. Hussein Adeli's office in the Foreign Ministry in Tehran. It was the first of two meetings that Harald Dahle had with Dr. Adeli. The first was in April 2002, and the second meeting was held in May 2003. During the interview made in April of 2002  it became quite clear to the Editor-in-Chief, that the rejection of the United Sates to appreciate what Iran had done for the country in Afghanistan, neither did not sit well with the upper echelon of the Islamic Republic of Iran, nor was it well received by the Deputy Foreign Minister for Economic Affairs. This would have been a Golden Opportunity for the United States to better the relations with Iran, but in wain. Washington was not ready to hand Tehran a firm handshake. Dahle: -Tehran has sent an invitation to Washington for a meeting and better the relations between the two sides. I understand that the United States has rejected this initiative. How do you view the current relations with the U.S. after this disappointment? Adeli: -Well, actually our relations with the West in general has improved a lot during the last, may be four, five years. Dahle: -Yes.  Adeli: -Specially with the policies that have been followed by President Khatami, Dialogue among Civilization, the Rule of Law, the Principles of Civil Society, the elimination of tensions between Iran or other countries, the elimination of misunderstanding. All of these policies have been seriously followed by Iran in its Foreign Policy and has contributed to the relations with all countries except the United States. And with the West in general we have been able to exchange delegations on the level of Foreign Minister and head of Governments. Dahle: -Aren't the operations of the United States in Afghanistan very much based on the early assistance from Iran? Adeli: -But with the United States, it is unfortunately to see, that even developments in Afghanistan, which owes a lot to understanding and effective assistance from Iran, has not, I believe, been able to penetrate into the hearts or the minds of decision makers in the United States.  Dahle: -Without the help from Iran in Afghanistan, you say that the United States would not have been where they are now? Adeli: -I think that there is no doubt, even in the American eyes, that what we now see in the situation in Afghanistan owes a lot to Iranian assistance, Iranian understanding. The military success of the United States owes a lot to understanding and appreciation from Iran, and also the political process in Afghanistan owes the same thing.   Adeli: -And may be that was a very unique opportunity for the United Sates to reciprocate these kinds of understanding, and to seize and stop those kinds of policies that are pursued by them, in the past couple of decades. But apparently there is still not a very strong sign from that side.  Dahle: -Iran has friendly relations with many countries in the world, so why not also with the United States? Adeli: -Off course, the general policy of Iran is to have friendly relations with every country in the world, including the United States, provided that this kind of relationship would be based on an equal footing, on a mutual beneficial sort of relationship. So, this is why I think that, as the policies of the United States, which are normally a unilateral policy, we hope that one time they would join the other countries of the West and developing countries, and would join that kind of under-standing of Iran. That the developments in the region would open their eyes, and that they would adopt a new policy towards our country! Dahle: -Thank you Dr. Adeli. EUROPE’S SECOND WAVE OF GENOCIDEMADE POSSIBLE BY INCOMPETENT TOTALITARIANISM WRAPPED IN QUASI-HUMANISTIC HYPEThe European COVID-19 vaccine drama reflects an authoritarian acceptance of genocide on a grander scale en par with the extermi-nation of the Jews. There are disturbing common traits in both incidences. Exterminations of the Jews could have been and should have been terminated, but it wasn’t because it served a political purpose. The ongoing pandemic could have and should have been terminated in Europe by now, but it is still an ongoing phenomenon because it serves an EU-political overriding purpose, to establish an authoritarian presence. In both cases, the leadership of Europe were morally, ethically, judicially, financially, and medically incapable of solving life threatening, urgent problems.  The present leadership of the German Republic, with Angela Merkel, has been replicating 1943, although with democratic coating. But the results are the same, dead Covid-19 people are queuing up for the incinerators working on full capacity. This is Europe’s second wave of genocide wrapped in quasi-humanistic hype giving the impression of caring. To deny people of Europe vaccine, as is the case with Sputnik V, is to prioritize death for life. Europe is once again the continent of death blessed by incompetent totalitarianism. A coffin of a person who passed away due to coronavirus disease (COVID-19) is burned in the Meissen crematory amid the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) pandemic in Meissen, Germany, December 23, 2020. MEISSEN, Germany — A German crematorium in the eastern state of Saxony, which has been hit hard by the second wave of the coronavirus pandemic, is struggling to keep up with the number of people who have died from COVID-19 just before Christmas. “We are currently working 24 hours a day, from Monday to Sunday, without a break,” said Meissen crematorium manager Joerg Schaldach. “We will of course have to keep on cremating and now the holidays are around the corner,” he said, adding special procedures were required for people who died from COVID-19. “The coffins are sealed, the deceased are wrapped in accident-like bags, so there is barely any possibility of having contact with the virus,” said Schaldach. The eastern German state of Saxony has reported the highest number of deaths per capita in Germany over the course of the pandemic, with around 57 in 100,000 people there having died. Schaldach also said the crematorium at Meissen had space to store the bodies of the deceased. He hopes he will not have to use a building that has been arranged for emergencies and which could hold up to 2,000 bodies. Germany reported a new coronavirus daily death toll high of 962 on Wednesday, bringing the total death toll to 27,968. The number of confirmed coronavirus cases jumped by 24,740 to 1,554,920, RKI data showed on Wednesday. A Forsa poll showed on Wednesday that whereas the majority of Germans stick to coronavirus hygiene rules, most male supporters of the far-right Alternative for Germany (AfD) in eastern German states do not wear face masks when social distancing is not possible. Saxony is a stronghold for the AfD. Europe's EU Covid-19 Crime Against HumanityEU'S VON DER LEYEN WITH OTHERS MUST STAND TRIAL AT THE INTERNATIONAL CRIMINAL COURT ICCUrsula Von der Leyen: The European Commission's disaster President #1 Rejecting SPUTNIK V to the European population is a serious Criminal offence. High-level crime of the century disguises Europe's catastrophic vaccine shortage for what it is: A politically correct genocide. This is politically accepted genocide under the disguise and excuse of a criminal bureaucracy, in Norway as well as in the EU countries in line with the politically correct extermination of the Jews. The politicians have taken the entire European population for a rollercoaster ride which ends in the incinerators.  This is not about pressing "red buttons". This is politically accepted genocide under the guise and excuses of a criminal bureaucracy, in Norway as well as in the EU. In line with the extermination of the Jews. We are far past "pushing red buttons". Back then, in 1943, it was politically correct to push the Jews into the incinerators in Poland today it is politically correct to push people into incinerators from Bergamo to Oslo. The Rome Statute OFthe International Criminal Court ICC Article 25 Individual criminal responsibilityThe Court has jurisdiction over natural persons. A person who commits a crime within the jurisdiction of the Court is individually responsible and liable for punishment in accordance with the Rome Statute. 1 In accordance with the Rome Statute, a person shall be criminally responsible and liable for punishment for a crime within the jurisdiction of the Court if that person: Commits such a crime, whether as an individual, jointly with another or through another person, regardless of whether that other person is criminally responsible; 2 Orders, solicits or induces the commission of such a crime which in fact occurs or is attempted; For the purpose of facilitating the commission of such a crime, aids, abets or otherwise assists in its commission or its attempted commission, including providing the means for its commission; 3 In any other way contributes to the commission or attempted commission of such a crime by a group of persons acting with a common purpose. 4 In respect of the crime of genocide, directly and publicly incites others to commit genocide; Attempts to commit such a crime by taking action that commences its execution by means of a substantial step, but the crime does not occur because of circumstances independent of the person's intentions.U.S. SPACE FENCELockheed Martin, AMEC Foster Wheeler, General Dynamics, SATCOM, Northrop GrummanVardo Globus III and Cobra Dane tracks ICBM's from Plesetsk to Kura Globus 3 Vardo NorwayEglin AFB Click picture and PlayHarris Corporation - AN/FPS-85 Radar Cover Replacement Time Lapse, Eglin Air Force Base  INSTANT RESPONSE RADARS   Globus III, Eglin FPS-85, Cobra Dane, Kwajalein Altair and  Millstone Hill, are just five of the most valuable sensors today. RussiaPLESETSK COSMODROMEPlesetsk is used especially for military satellites placed into high inclination and polar orbits since the range for falling debris is clear to the north which is largely uninhabited Arctic and polar terrain. It is situated in a region of taiga, or flat terrain with boreal pine forests.Coat of Arms ArchangelskOn October 26, 2017 Russia conducted its annual strategic forces exercise. The exercise involved a launch of a Topol/SS-25 ICBM from Plesetsk. The warhead is said to successfully reach its target at Kura.             BALLISTIC MISSILE LAUNCH               from Plesetsk in Arkhangelsk region Photo: Russian Ministry of Defense CLIC PICTURE AND PLAYThe exercise involved a launch of a Topol/SS-25 ICBM from Plesetsk. The warhead is said to successfully reach its target at Kura. Below Plesets Cosmodrome.Coat of Arms Palana KamchatkaGreater Coat of Arms of Alaska COBRA DANE, SHEMYA ISLANDClick and PlayThe Cobra Dane Phased Array Radar on Shemya Island Shemya Island about 2,414 kilometers from Anchorage, Alaska, and is part of the Near Islands group at the tip of the Aleutian Island chain. Shemya Island occupies approximately 1,425 hectares and is part of the Alaska Maritime National Wildlife Refuge administered by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and is operated by the U.S. Air Force. A person who worked there says, "I did my overseas deployment on Shemya from January 1963 to January 1964. It was a very unusual place. It is the only place I have ever heard of where one can experience heavy fog, tremendous winds, and snow, sleet, or rain all at once. We once endured a storm where the wind speed was measured at 105 mph when the anemometer blew away."  He continues with his story,"The work we did was fascinating. I would not have traded my experience there for anything, although I did not appreciate it nearly as much then as I do now. The Army, Air Force, and Navy people working on Shemya can be justifiably proud of what they contributed to our winning the Cold War." Electrical equipment in the subarray face of the Cobra Dane radar systemThe computer room for the Cobra Dane radar system during the Cold war. Shemya Island has been developed by the military and continues to operate as an Intelligence Radar site whose principal purpose involves monitoring space and missile activities. The base is under control of the Eareckson Air Station Program Management Office, part of the 611th Air Support Group at Elmendorf Air Force Base Alalska. Eareckson Air Station is an isolated self contained military installation, and it has no surrounding communities.  DEFENDING OUR FREEDOMCOBRA DANE RADAR COVERAGEEareckson Air Station, Shemya IslandCobra Dane Phased Array Radar on Eareckson Air Station Shemya Island Eareckson Air Station is a United States Air Force military airport located on the island of Shemya, in the Alaskan Aleutian Islands. Established in May of 1943 as a forward operating base for longrange bomber aircraft of the US Army Air Force to conduct bombing missions on Japanese positions in the Kurile Islands, the base was heavily utilized until war's end, with the present-day runway being added to the airfield to support the operations a planned squadron of B-29 Superfortresses flying missions ag-ainst mainland Japan as part of Operation Downfall.  "From its establishment in early 2002 through the end of 2010, the Missile Defense Agency is fielding a Ballistic Missile Defense System consisting of 30 Ground-Based Interceptors for long-range homeland defense. Aegis warships capable of long-range surveillance and tracking and missile intercepts. Standard Missile-3 interceptors for Aegis Ballistic Missile Defense warships. Upgraded Cobra Dane radar in the Aleutian Islands." Upgraded early warning radars, currently Beale Air Force Base, Calif., Fylingdales, U.K., and Thule, Greenland. 11 transportable X-band radars for operations and testing. Sea-based X-band radar now located in the Pacific Ocean to support flight testing and actual defensive operations. Integrated Command, Control, Battle Management, and Communications element across the BMDS.COBRA DANEThe certain principal use of this X-band radar, along with a second one for Eareckson Air Station on Shemya Island, some 2414Km southwest of Anchorage, will be to collect detailed intelligence data on Russia¹s long range ballistic missiles. This data will cover the entire trajectory of the missiles, and will be of primal value to a U.S. NMD system. THE COBRA DANE PHASED ARRAY RADAR ON SHEMYA ISLANDThe 21st Operations Group was reactivated on 15 May 1992 as a component of the redesignated and reactivated 21st Space Wing, providing command management of Air Force Space Command's worldwide network of assigned missile warning, space surveillance, and communications units.The 21st Operations Group assumed the Cobra Dane Radar mission at Eareckson Air Station, Shemya Island, Alaska, April 1. Eareckson AS is located on the western tip of Alaska's Aleutian islands. The radar has the ability to detect objects about 2,000 miles away, and provides data for the Space Surveillance Network and the Ballistic Missile Defense System. Cobra Dane will continue to be operated by a contract workforce, and no military personnel will be assigned to the unit at Eareckson Air Station. Cobra Dane security patrolBuchel AFB GermanyThe people who brought us complete shame in Afghanistan are the very same people who now have control over the keys to the depots in Europe that store B61-12 thermo nuclear gravity bombs, like the Buchel Nuclear ABF Germany, pictured below.AFRIKAANSNuke -ooreenkoms tussen Noorweë en die VSA ontbind. Nuwe linkse regering beskou die gravitasiebom B61-12 as teenproduktief.Die verkiesing in Noorweë in September het gelei tot 'n regerings-wisseling, met Jonas Gahr Støre van die Arbeidersparty as premier. Gahr Støre is bekend by die voorstanders van kernontwapening, omdat hy as minister van buitelandse sake van Noorweë die "humanitêre inisiatief" -proses ondersteun het wat gelei het tot die onderhandelinge van die TPNW.Соглашение о ядерной бомбе между Норвегией и США будет разорвано. Новое левое правительство считает, что гравитационная бомба B61-12 контрпродуктивна.Сентябрьские выборы в Норвегии привели к смене правительства, и премьер-министром был избран Йонас Гар Стёре из Лейбористской партии. Гар Стёре хорошо известен сторонникам ядерного разоружения, поскольку он поддерживал в качестве министра иностранных дел Норвегии процесс «гуманитарных инициатив», который привел к переговорам по ТПЯО.  挪威和美國之間的核協議將被廢除。新左翼政府認為 B61-12 重力炸彈適得其反。挪威 9 月的選舉導致政府更迭,工黨的 Jonas Gahr Støre 當選為首相。 Gahr Støre 以核裁軍倡導者而聞名,作為挪威外交部長,他支持導致 TPNW 談判的“人道主義倡議”進程。NORWAY-US RELATIONSNuke Agreement between Norway and the US to be dismantled. New left wing Government sees B61-12 gravity bomb as counterproductive.Norway’s elections in September led to a change of government, with Jonas Gahr Støre of the Labor Party elected as Prime Minister. Gahr Støre is well known to advocates of nuclear disarmament, having been supportive as foreign minister of Norway of the “humanitarian initiative” process which led to the negotiations of the TPNW. “That Norway as the first NATO country confirms that it will participate as an observer at the nuclear weapons ban treaty’s first meeting of states parties sends an important signal to our allies that nuclear weapons are unacceptable,” says Tuva Widskjold, coordinator for ICAN Partrner Norway. The Chairwoman of the Nobel Committee was not informed.Chairwoman of the Nobel Committee Mrs. Berit Reiss-Andersen holds up pictures of the Nobel Peace recipients of 2021, journalist Maria Ressa of the Philippines and Dmitry Muratov from Russia not knowing that the Nobel Institute which houses the Nobel Committee has conspired with the secret police of Norway to shut down Norwegian Journalist Harald Dahle inside in the library and reading room of the Nobel Institute for more than thirty years.Berit Reiss-Andersen (born 11 July 1954) is a Norwegian lawyer, author and former politician for the Norwegian Labour Party. She is chairman of the Norwegian Nobel Committee, the 5-member committee that awards the Nobel Peace Prize. She is also a board member of the Nobel Foundation, which has the overall responsibility for all the five Nobel Prizes. She served as state secretary for the Minister of Justice and Police from 1996 to 1997 and as President of the Norwegian Bar Association from 2008 to 2012. She has co-authored two crime novels with former Minister of Justice Anne Holt. She is currently a partner at DLA Piper's Oslo office.  The Collapse of a Nobel idea!Mr. Olav Njølstad, the Director of the Nobel Peace Institute in Oslo took hist cues from the secret Police and conspired to get rid of Norwegian journalist Harald Dahle.Behind the curtain of the Norwegian State and peace promoting work by the Nobel Peace Institute in Oslo is now unfolding a drama hidden from the International press. Director Olav Njølstad of the Nobel Peace Institute, which is the seat for the Nobel Prize Committee, received his instructions from the secret Police to get rid of journalist Harald Dahle as did his entire Nobel staff. Over the past thirty years and longer there has been massive harassment by plain cloth police on the premises of the Nobel Institute and particularly at the library reading room where Mr. Dahle worked and wrote. Behind the gloss from Nobel's intention of peace and tolerance between the peoples hides a monstrous lie without bottom, perfectly staged by a State run deception which is exempt from openness and responsibility. A Director for Peace that conspires with the Police and harass an experienced journalist should take his hat and go. He followed order from the same fascist Police who harassed the Norwegian Jews and sent them to the gas chambers i Poland, so much for dignity!Journalist Harald Dahle has taken the Ministry of Justice to the European Court of Human Rights in Strasbourg for harassment over thirty years. This is freedom of the Press in Norway.Peace loving Olav Njølstad took his cues from the Police. HUMAN RIGHTS  UN Article 19, EU Charter Article 11 Freedom of Expression Everyone has the right to Freedom of Expression. This right shall include freedom to hold opinions and to receive and impart information and ideas without interference by public authority and regardless of frontiers. UN Article 23 Right to Work Everyone has the right to work, to free choice of employment, to just and favourable conditions of work and to protection against unemployment. Everyone, without any discrimination, has the right to equal pay for equal work. UN Article 21 Non-DiscriminationAny discrimination based on sex, race, color, ethnic or social origin, genetic traits, language, religion or belief, political or other opinion, membership of a national minority, property, birth, disability, age or sexual orientation shall be prohibited. OsloNORWAY'S NOBEL HYPOCRICYThe Nobel Peace Institute in Oslo. The Norwegian Parliament appoints all members to the Norwegian Nobel Committee  Staged by State directed Deception Exempt from Transparency and Responsibility.The biggest of All  Hypocrisies is the Lie.Norway has awarded the Nobel Peace Prize for 2021 to the Philippine journalist Maria Ressa who criticizes President Rodrigo Duterte and his government and the Russian journalist Dmitry Muratov who criticizes Vladimir Putin's government, while the same country harasses the Norwegian journalist Harald Dahle for his writing, publishing and statements . Forty years of harassment by the Norwegian Justice Service by journalist Dahle with a deadly threat of death, denial of all work in the kingdom, harassment of hospitalization, extreme social dumping, harassment in churches and monasteries does not prevent Peace Prize Norway from presenting the biggest of all hypocrisy, the lie itself! The Norwegian judiciary is corrupt and is at the same low level as the judiciary, the police and the surveillance in the former German, democratic republic of the GDR. It touches on President Augusto Pinochet's right-wing radical terrorist junta in the nineteen seventies, and gives associations to Operation Condor; the Cold War conspiracy that terrorized South America in the seventies and eighties. And in Norway: the brutal police murder in Sarpsborg this year of the young Bosnian-Swedish man carried out with a submachine gun and handgun helps to confirm the impression of lawlessness and terror from South America. Harald Dahle: - The Nobel Institute in Oslo and the secret police worked together to harass me. Because I write well and have a sharp pen. One day when I was going to the reading room to work, two nicely dressed men and a woman blocked the way for me up the stairs. Director at the Nobel Institute, Olav Njølstad did not like that I was there, and the staff was very unpleasant to me. After much preparation, I now take the Ministry of Justice to the European Court of Human Rights in Strasbourg. And so little Norway - far up on the map - behind the gloss from the Nobel's intention of peace and tolerance between the peoples, then hides a monstrous lie without bottom. Perfectly staged by a state-run deception that is exempt from openness and responsibility, a Nobel committee that criticizes other countries' political climate instead of looking into their own country first. Garbage is a qualified word that fits the Nobel Prize award of 2021. 由國家控制的欺騙上演,除了開放性和責任感。  最大的虛偽是謊言。挪威將 2021 年諾貝爾和平獎授予批評羅德里戈·杜特爾特總統及其政府的菲律賓記者瑪麗亞·雷薩和批評弗拉基米爾·普京政府的俄羅斯記者德米特里·穆拉托夫,而同一個國家則騷擾挪威記者哈拉爾德·達勒的寫作、出版和聲明。 記者 Dahle 以死亡威脅、拒絕在王國的所有工作、住院騷擾、極端社會傾銷、教堂和修道院中的騷擾等方式對挪威司法局進行了四十年的騷擾,但這並不能阻止挪威和平獎表現出最大的虛偽,謊言本身! 挪威司法機構腐敗,與前東德民主共和國的司法機構、警察和監視機構處於同一低水平。它涉及 19 世紀 70 年代奧古斯托·皮諾切特總統的右翼激進恐怖主義軍政府,並與禿鷹行動有關聯;七八十年代恐嚇南美洲的冷戰陰謀。在挪威:今年在薩爾普斯堡用衝鋒槍和手槍對這位年輕的波斯尼亞-瑞典男子進行殘酷的警察謀殺有助於證實南美洲無法無天和恐怖的印象。 Harald Dahle: - 奧斯陸諾貝爾研究所和秘密警察聯手騷擾我。因為我寫得好,筆鋒利。一天,我去閱覽室上班,兩個衣著光鮮的男人和一個女人擋住了我上樓梯的路。諾貝爾研究所所長 Olav Njølstad 不喜歡我在那裡,工作人員對我很不愉快。經過大量準備,我現在將司法部帶到斯特拉斯堡的歐洲人權法院。 如此小的挪威——在地圖上遙遙領先——在諾貝爾和平與寬容的意圖背後,隱藏著一個沒有底的可怕謊言。完全由一個免於公開和責任的國營騙局,一個批評別國政治氣候而不是首先審視自己國家的諾貝爾委員會完美上演。 垃圾,是一個符合2021年諾貝爾獎的合格詞。 諾貝爾理念的崩潰奧斯陸諾貝爾和平研究所所長 Olav Njølstad 先生從秘密警察那裡得到線索,密謀除掉挪威記者 Harald Dahle。   在奧斯陸諾貝爾和平研究所的挪威國家與促進和平工作的幕後,現在正在上演一出隱藏在國際媒體之外的戲劇。作為諾貝爾獎委員會所在地的諾貝爾和平研究所所長奧拉夫·恩約爾斯塔德(Olav Njølstad)接到了秘密警察的指示,要趕走記者哈拉爾德·達勒(Harald Dahle),就像他的整個諾貝爾工作人員一樣。在過去的三十多年裡,便衣警察在諾貝爾研究所的場所,特別是在 Dahle 先生工作和寫作的圖書館閱覽室裡,發生了大規模的騷擾。 諾貝爾希望各國人民之間和平與寬容的意圖的光彩背後隱藏著一個無底的可怕謊言,完美地由國家欺騙,免於公開和責任。一名與警察共謀並騷擾經驗豐富的記者的和平署署長應該戴上帽子走人。他聽從了騷擾挪威猶太人並將他們送到波蘭毒氣室的同一個法西斯警察的命令,這是為了尊嚴!三十多年來,記者 Harald Dahle 已將司法部告上斯特拉斯堡的歐洲人權法院。這就是挪威的新聞自由。CHINAThere is only one MotherlandThe Western reasoning does not understand the ancient Chinese reasoning revealing  an intellectual clash of opposite cultures. The island of Taiwan is part of the Chinese territory and shall be returned. Imperial China must be respected, and war is not an option.   祖國祇有一個, 台灣是其中的一部分。西方的推理不理解中國古代的推理,揭示了對立文化的智力衝突。台灣島是中國領土的一部分,應當歸還。中華帝國必須得到尊重,戰爭不是一種選擇。 移情,尊重,尊嚴  我們必須與中華人民共和國建立對話和共同點。   中國絕不能孤立。那會導致戰爭!香港 中國的法律權利親愛的朋友和讀者們。 治安是中國的基石。 祖國擁有在其自己的領土後院香港實施法律和秩序的合法權利。 無需徵得任何其他國家的許可。 在西方,這既不是很好理解也不是很受歡迎。 西方天真的從“民主”和“權利”的角度講是政治上的壓迫,是宣傳。 香港是祖國; 只有一個。 美國在製裁世界“每個其他”國家之前,應照顧好自己的人權和黑人公民問題。 祝你有美好的一天,乾杯  由國家控制的欺騙上演,除了開放性和責任感。   最大的虛偽是謊言。挪威將 2021 年諾貝爾和平獎授予批評羅德里戈·杜特爾特總統及其政府的菲律賓記者瑪麗亞·雷薩和批評弗拉基米爾·普京政府的俄羅斯記者德米特里·穆拉托夫,而同一個國家則騷擾挪威記者哈拉爾德·達勒的寫作、出版和聲明。 記者 Dahle 以死亡威脅、拒絕在王國的所有工作、住院騷擾、極端社會傾銷、教堂和修道院中的騷擾等方式對挪威司法局進行了四十年的騷擾,但這並不能阻止挪威和平獎表現出最大的虛偽,謊言本身! 挪威司法機構腐敗,與前東德民主共和國的司法機構、警察和監視機構處於同一低水平。它涉及 19 世紀 70 年代奧古斯托·皮諾切特總統的右翼激進恐怖主義軍政府,並與禿鷹行動有關聯;七八十年代恐嚇南美洲的冷戰陰謀。在挪威:今年在薩爾普斯堡用衝鋒槍和手槍對這位年輕的波斯尼亞-瑞典男子進行殘酷的警察謀殺有助於證實南美洲無法無天和恐怖的印象。 Harald Dahle: - 奧斯陸諾貝爾研究所和秘密警察聯手騷擾我。因為我寫得好,筆鋒利。一天,我去閱覽室上班,兩個衣著光鮮的男人和一個女人擋住了我上樓梯的路。諾貝爾研究所所長 Olav Njølstad 不喜歡我在那裡,工作人員對我很不愉快。經過大量準備,我現在將司法部帶到斯特拉斯堡的歐洲人權法院。 如此小的挪威——在地圖上遙遙領先——在諾貝爾和平與寬容的意圖背後,隱藏著一個沒有底的可怕謊言。完全由一個免於公開和責任的國營騙局,一個批評別國政治氣候而不是首先審視自己國家的諾貝爾委員會完美上演。 垃圾,是一個符合2021年諾貝爾獎的合格詞。 是時候思考了。在貧瘠的土地上用花崗岩雕刻而成的紀念碑。 當人們談論生命時,應該問生命意味著什麼?整個生命或只是它的一部分?我們喜歡的部分和我們喜歡的部分,剩下的更不用說了? 和我一起走一英里卻說不感謝的人背著我的重擔再走一英里?那些從來沒有請過我喝茶的人,卻鄭重聲明我是“朋友”?那些真的很佩服自己的成就,卻連一次都沒有時間來看我的人?他們過著怎樣的生活?是部分還是整體?我們這個時代的警告標誌。我想被完整地看到;我不希望我的生活被有選擇地切割和扭曲成不存在的東西。我的文章是荒蕪的荒地上的石碑,沒有人文主義。它們旨在警告和鼓勵,但不應被忽視。在當今虛榮的世界裡,越來越流行用手機說話,而不是同情和展示人的尊嚴;一個人習慣於欣賞媒體的炒作、政治謊言、缺乏責任感,導致大規模飢餓和大規模死亡。 ;在這樣一個人與人之間冷冰冰的世界裡,變態已經成為一種趨勢,而不幸的是,我們堅持了這一點。 在這樣一個人際交往的環境中,信息很清楚為什麼要尊重你面前的另一個人。胡言亂語容易多了,因為口語不再帶有任何義務,它是自由的,說這個或那個不值得。 . 看電影。 忽視在貧瘠土地上用花崗岩雕刻的紀念碑的人們重申了他們對死亡和破壞的信念。我們,作家和警告者,有人道主義權利這​​樣說。這是我們生活中的任務。不要善待死亡和破壞。但欽佩和鼓勵生活。我們對他人的期望與對自己的期望相同。如果“另一個”失敗了,我們必須獨自前進並發出警告。這是我們的宿命。 因此,當普京警告:“不要越過紅線”時,他警告我們要注意在貧瘠的土地上用花崗岩雕刻的紀念碑。是不是該停下來,傾聽和思考?NORWAYСтратегический бомбардировщик "Морской удар": готов к работе: Ту-22М3МStrategic Bomber Maritime Strike: Ready to go: Tu-22M3M戰略轟炸機海上打擊:準備就緒:Tu-22M3MWorld War III Starts Here The Hottest Place on Planet Earthis not North Korea, Iran, and Taiwan, but this Radar Installation already targeted for destruction by the Russian Air Force. The total obliviating of Globus II and Globus III "Space Fence" Radar installations on the tiny Vardø Island at the very tip of Northern Norway will be the first sign of a rapidly progressing World War III  Tu-22M3Backfire bomber: Close encounters with the Globus III installation U.S. Space Fence on Vardo Island, Northern Norway  We welcome U.S. Space Fence in Norway, but will it be to the best of the population who will be caught in the middle? GLOBUS 3 on Vardo Island will be one of the very first targets in a potential new conflict with Russia. Artwork by Petrofilm.The Norwegian leadership lives in the delusion that a unilateral bond with the US will save the country. The permit for the use of thermonuclear bombs of type B61-12 from Norwegian soil, owned and operated by the Americans, will be a guarantee for Norway, the management believes. Yes, it is a guarantee, but for the collective downfall of the Norwegian people. Norway has around 5.3 million inhabitants in an area swelled in from Oslo to Rome. Only half of Norway's population is strong enough to take the first hours of the war. The rest of the population is elderly, sick, children, pregnant, in prisons and in miserable form. Norway is a peacetime territory, but it is almost impossible to go to war. To that the country is too far, too cumbersome and too sparsely populated, and with a defense that is as good as defeated already. NATO started as a defense alliance but has become an attack alliance that has called in Russia and sees the country as its greatest enemy. Norway has hung on and gone from being a friendly neighbor to Russia, to becoming an offensive and provocative neighbor. This does not worry today's management in Norway. But it should, because Norway's ability to save its population lies in a good relationship with the neighbor in the eastValery Gerasimov Valery Grasimov, head of Russia's General Staff, said that Moscow would increase the capabilities of its ground-based strategic nuclear arms. "One of the main destructive factors complicating the international situation is how the US is acting as it attempts to retain its dominant role in the world," he said in comments released by the defense ministry. "It is for these purposes that Washington and its allies are taking comprehensive, concerted measures to contain Russia and discredit its role in international affairs." This is indeed sad news for Europe and the World. Have a good day!RS-24 Yars: Norway has become prime target, and its population does not stand a chance.  It is claimed by the Solberg Government that the new F35 aircraft are necessary for Norway's defense capabilities. And I suppose B61-12 is also meant to save the country. Not a single F35 will cross the border with Russia and not a B61-12 will fall on Russian soil.B61-12 thermonuclear gravity bomb: Norway is playing with fire Knowledgeable Vidkun Quisling did the same. He lived in an ideological dream world without ground contact with the Norwegian people's realistic ability to survive in the mind. What we experience in Norway today is betrayal of the Norwegian population. And no one seems to notice what is happening, that the country is moving quickly and safely towards the cliff. Sitting Duck? During inspection of one of the United States pre-positioning caves in the Mid-county Trondelag Norway, Secretary of the Navy Ray Mabus, left, has reason to look vorried. "We  spend millions of dollars every year, but in the long run, is it worth the money?"Secretary of the US Navy Ray Mabus, Norwegian military rightDear readers, The editor-in-chief sincerely believes that it is better to try to establish dialogue and common ground with Russia and China on the basis of empathy, respect, and dignity, than to escalate tensions and risk a nuclear confrontation. For this simple reason, in addition to being published in English, is also partially translated into Russian and Chinese; Russia in this context means the Russians living on the European side west of the Ural mountains on the Great European Plain. Thank you for your understanding and have a nice day. NORWAYHARASS AND DESTROYS THE LIVES OF MANY These are the people who like to be looked up to and walk  around with an incredible hybris of vain power. These are the people who has put the lives of many in great danger by invited foreign troops and thermo-nuclear weapons onto Norwegian soil. NORWAY'S SECRET POLICE OPERATES AS A STATE WITHIN THE STATEPainting by Adolf-Wissel: Kallenberger farmer family, 1939 The war was not over! The war which ended in 1945 has continued to this day. Norwegian secret police targets writers, journalists, and people in opposition to the lawlessness and disregard for human rights within the secret police force, the department of Justice in Oslo and other departments.  Norwegian police and scumbags breaks §90, the spy paragraph, Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union and the United Nations Human Rights when they spy on their own population for the American Embassy's SIMAS program. Infiltrates the Church and harass people during MassThis lawless secret police infiltrates the Catholic Church and turn the Church against members of their own church. The secret police put out false rumors among people, in shops, at working places to disregard and exclude enemies of the state.(Documented) Use false cellular towers to obtain dataTaps mobile phones from false cellular towers in moving and stationary veheicles, and uses the information obtained to further make life as destructive as possible. Obtain flight data from airlines to follow and further harass. (Documented) Harass Norwegian citizens abroadFollow people abroad. Operates in Spain and other countries in order to crush opposition. Provoke people on the streets in Oslo, walk them down, block entrances in doors to shops and arrive on peoples workplaces to provoke trouble so as to get people fired. (Documented) Put out sleezy rumors to discredit targets They use cheap tactics and put out rumors of homosexuality, pedophilia and other deviance's to further discredit people. They visit neighbors of targets and tell them that this person is a bad person. They do all which is humanly possible to destroy the life of any who have an opinion which goes against their own.(Documented) Create dialogue and you're an Enemy of the StateAnd they themselves do not present evidence to justify their mafia-like operations. Specially of those who will have dialogue with Russia, instead of war. You look to the East in today’s Norway, and you are as good as an enemy of the State.  The Norwegian secret police have access to a myriad of people with whom they cooperate. They work through people, so that the marks of their deed shall not be evident.  Traitors of truth and human rights. Instigators of trouble and death threats en par with Chiles right-wing Pinochet Junta. (Documented) Norway's secret  police: "The truth is what We say it is!"The Norwegian Nazi Police from the War has disappeared, but the substantive core of evil has not. This is Norway of today, on the same level as in the East German Democratic Republic DDR under Walter Ulbricht, the life under Stalin and in Croatia under Ante Pavelic.(Documented)A Dicatorship of the PartitocracyNorway has a shine-democracy - a dictatorship of the partitocracy which erodes real prosperity and real human rights for the population and operates as a State within a State. has in it's possession a huge amount of evidence of the operations of the Secret State. This is not a joke or a fantasy, it is real.  The Norwegian Quislings of today sell out Norway's population and destroys oppo-sition with an iron fist. (Documented) Security Incident Management Analysis System SIMASData mining from Government servers constitutes a serious crime and should be prosecuted. However, the United States' State Department should be careful not to exploit its Security Incident Management Analysis System, SIMAS in a dehumanizing way. (Documented) Sell out their own people to a foreign power It is a fact that Norwegian police and intelligence operatives work hand-in-glove with the United States Embassy in Oslo mining a huge amount of personal data from ordinary Norwegian citizens.  Thus, violating §90, the Spy paragraph, which states that "working for a foreign power is a serious crime and is punishable." (Documented) The Law applies equally to everyone Breaking the United Nations Human Rights and the Fundamental Charter of the European Union on personal protection is a serious crime too. Before criticizing codebreakers and journalists around the world, the United States should first scrutinize its own endeavors. You can't live crooked and think straight, weather you're a chauffeur or a Chief of State! The Law applies equally to everyone. (Documented) Until the mid 1960'ies leading Nazi's were still associated within the Norwegian Police. The Norwegian Nazi Police instigated harassment and deportation of all Norwegian Jews that they could lay their hands on and sent them express to the cremation ovens in the concentration camps in Poland. The Norwegian Police has never been indicted for its participation in administrative and practical work in the genocide of the Norwegian Jews.(Documented) The colder it gets between people the more fascism thrivesIn my own work dealing with people and dialogue in general, I have come to experience that many of us are not capable of viewing another human being right in front of ourselves with warmth, empathy, and humanness. I believe this defect to be one of several primary causes for disharmony, conflict, and war. I call this phenomenon, The coldness between people. (Documented) PEOPLE WHO RECOGNIZED THE DANGER OF FASCISMWhen we have to do with human beings there are particularly three words that comes to mind, empathy, respect and dignity. What you will read and watch here are the opposite of those three words, combined in one common slogan, "fascism". The seed of fascism lies within us, in the general public, and it is there waiting to pop out at the right time under a charismatic fascist leader. (Documented)  Click and PlayTeodor Ludwig Wiesengrund Adorno - German philosopher, ONE CANNOT FREE ONESELF IN ONES OWN COURT Norway's so called "official apology" which the Norwegian State has proclaimed, does not however, in itself give absolution for their guilt. One cannot free oneself in one’s own Court. A Police Force which has commit such a heinous crime once is able to do repeat it. The German philosopher Carl Jaspers has said, “Has it happened the first time then it can happen again!”   The German philosopher Theodor Adorno also points in this direction saying that, "Without the lack of warmth between people, Holocaust would never had happened." Click and PlayKarl Jaspers - Wesen der Existenz (Gespräch 1960)Karl Jaspers, "If it has happened once, it can happen again."  Click and PlayHannah Arendt: Das Wagnis der Öffentlicghkeit  Click and PlayErich Fromm Anatomie der menschlichen Destructivitet Erich Fromm at his writing desk in Locarno, Switzerland        EUROPEAN CONTROL               OVER TACTICAL NUCLEAR wEAPONSGERMANY JOINS  FRANCE FOR NEW EUROPEAN ARMYEUROPE'S NEW ARMY  Europe must take control over it's own future   Merkel joins Marcron for European ArmyDeep schism between Europe and the United States and NATO cannot be trusted as guardian over tactical nuclear weapons on European soil. Must be controlled by Europe, not by the United States. Глубокий раскол между Европой и Соединенными Штатами и НАТО нельзя доверять в качестве опекуна над тактическим ядерным оружием на европейской земле. Должен контролироваться Европой, а не Соединенными Штатами. 歐洲和美國以及北約之間的深刻分裂不能成為歐洲土地上戰術核武器的守護者。必須由歐洲控制,而不是由美國控制。 Click picture and Playвидео с сенсорным изображением觸摸圖片播放視頻Doktor Angela Merkel Chancellor of Germany  Angela Merkel has said EU leaders should one day consider “a real, true European army” shortly after Donald Trump ramped up a Twitter attack on Emmanuel Macron over the same idea. Speaking to the European parliament in Strasbourg, the German chancellor backed the bold step in European defense policy, as part of a speech extolling the need for EU cooperation in migration, climate change and counter-terrorism. “The times when we could rely on others is past,” she said. To a mix of applause and jeers from Eurosceptic MEPs, she said: “We have to look at the vision of one day creating a real, true European army.” The chancellor said the idea would complement NATO, but gave no details on when the ambitious idea could become reality. Her words echoed those of the French president, who in an interview said Europe needed to better defend itself. President MacronThe Visionary European LeaderMacron, an ardent advocate of closer European integration, said a joint European Union military force was needed to wean Europe off American might, not least after Trump announced he was pulling out of a Cold War-era nuclear treaty.  "We have to protect ourselves with respect to China, Russia and even the United States,"  he told Europe 1 broadcaster, suggesting for the first time that Europe might need to defend itself from America. The French president, who has enacted major defense spending hikes to bring France in line with NATO spending-targets, is spearheading the creation of a nine-country European rapid reaction force, independent from NATO. Belgia, Germany, Italy, Netherland, Luxembourg and France President Macron of France: European Army by 2024 Click picture and PlayNorway’s Factitious Disorder!Picture: A Near fanatic US criticism of the North Vietnamese regime pawed the way for 282.000 dead American soldiers. To criticize other countries as election cheaters and low-life can have dire consequences. (Photo by John Olson)A near fanatic US criticism of the North Vietnamese regime cost the lives of 282.000 American soldiers and 1.353.000 in total. To treat other countries with different point of views than ones own like dirt can have dire consequnces. In 2000 Norway entered Iran with great ambitions and was thrown out three years later. In 2010 Norway gave Nobel Peace Prize to Liu Xiaobo and was kicked out of the Peoples Republic shortly after. In both incidences Norway crawled back using its check book diplomacy. Belarus has a sitting ruler who knows what he wants. Prime Minister Erna Solberg of Norway has been in Vilnius in Lithuania and met with Svetlana Tikhanovskaja opposition leader to President Lukashenko. Norway does not like President Putin either. Leader of the Nation with the largest land mass on Earth. But that does not seem to have any meaning. Norway support the so-called democratic opposition groups in Hong Kong. While fighting for their so-called Democratic “rights” they have managed to turn the once so charming city into a battle zone at the same time suppressing the fact that Hong Kong is in fact the Mother-land.Prime Minister Erna Solberg of Norway  Norway’s position is to like what Washington prefers. And dislike the rest as low-level garbage and election cheaters. Such thinking cost the United States 282.000 casualties, while the total loss from 1955 til 1975 was 1.353.000 deaths. To accuse regimes of being corrupt, cheating or totalitarian can have dire consequences. Prime minister Erna Solberg of Norway sees it otherwise. Under her reign bilateral relations between her country and its neighbor the Russian Federation has soured and is at an all-time low point. B61-12's in an undisclosed storage vault  Following this path, Norway is hell-bent on using thermonuclear precision gravity bomb B61-12 against its Russian neighbor. And what this will lead to will make the staggering amount of US casualties during the Vietnam war look like thin tea! Have a good day. A Manufactured ThreatIran attacked no other country in over 200 years. It threatens none now. It's neighbors know it. So do Washington and Israel.President Ebrahim Risi points the way.  Nonetheless, saber rattling warnings continue. At issue is making an independent state a client one. It's why Washington orchestrated Syria's insurgency and continues anti-Iranian propaganda.  Tehran won't tolerate losing its sovereignty, nor should it. It suffered a generation of repression under Washington's installed Mohammad Reza Shah Pahlavi after the CIA's first ever coup ousted democratically elected Mohammad Mosaddegh. It also knows how America and Israel reign terror throughout the region. As a result, it's prepared to defend itself if attacked. America's business is war, permanent war for unchallenged global dominance. Post-9/11, multiple ones raged and continue. Ordinary people want them stopped. On February 4, dozens of anti-war organizations held a "Day of Mass Action to Stop a US War on Iran." Among others, The World Can't Wait announced it headlining, "NO War! NO sanctions! No intervention! No Assassinations." A press release listed dozens of participating US cities, large and small. Other known countries involved included Canada, Britain, India, Ireland, Turkey, Norway, and Bangladesh. Former US Attorney General Ramsey Clark participated. In 1992, he founded the International Action Center (IAC). Calling itself "anti-capitalist and anti-imperialist," it's committed against wars, racism, economic exploitation, and other forms of injustice. Its web site urged worldwide participation in an "emergency" protest day of action. Thousands across America alone participated. Follow-up actions are planned. People are fed up and want America's war machine stopped. Vital resources are squandered while growing needs go unaddressed. Major media scoundrels misreported about Saturday's pro and anti-government protests in Moscow, but ignored anti-war ones in their own cities and across America. In fact, they cheer lead Washington's wars. For months, their misinformation promotes war, mass killing, vast destruction, and human misery. Their reports exclude these and other key facts. Instead, they feature agitprop and bald-faced lies about a nonbelligerent state, threatening on one, including America and Israel. On February 2, FAIR's Peter Hart headlined, "Iran: This is What Propaganda Looks Like," saying: Like crabgrass infests lawns, it's "everywhere, thanks to a Senate appearance yesterday by Director of National Intelligence James Clapper." Yet his comments fell far short of justifying heightened anti-Iranian propaganda in response. "His main point was that Iran could launch attacks if it felt threatened." He also cited falsified claims that should have been condemned, not repeated as alleged facts. For example, he said: "The 2011 plot to assassinate the Saudi ambassador to the United States shows that some Iran officials - probably including (Ayatollah) Ali Khamenei - have changed their calculus and are now more willing to conduct an attack in the United States in response to real or perceived US  actions that threaten the regime." At the time, CBS News called the report "dire," saying "Iran would likely launch terrorist attacks on US soil as pressure mounts against the regime in Tehran." NBC's Matt Lauer asked if an Israeli "preemptive nuclear strike" was justified in response. Only the Wall Street Journal couldn't stomach the ludicrous charge. Obama officials claimed it was "authorized at the highest levels in Tehran," according to Carnegie Endowment for International Peace" analyst Karim Sadjadpour and many other paid-to-lie commentators, reporters, and opinion writers. In fact, the allegation didn't pass the smell test or others about Iran's alleged nuclear weapons program and wanting to wipe Israel off the map. On February 3, ABC News reported a spurious accusation about potential Iranian strikes in North America, including against Israeli facilities. It cited an Israeli "internal security document," saying:"We predict that the threat on our sites around the world will increase....on both our guarded sites and 'soft' sites." Israel's Consul General for the Mid-Atlantic States Eliran Avitan circulated the allegation. Recently in Tel Aviv, Shin Bet's Yoram Cohen told an audience that Iran plans targeting Israeli sites in retaliation for Mossad's assassinations of its nuclear scientists. All accusations are baseless. Yet ABC TV, other broadcasters, and cable channels featured them to generate anti-Iranian hostility. On January 31, ABC's Diane Sawyer introduced Pentagon correspondent Martha Raddatz's propaganda pieces complete with alarmist graphics and unrelated belligerent video footage, saying: "The saber rattling from Iran has been constant." Tehran "may be more ready than ever to launch terror attacks in the United States." Unrelated images of Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad with Venezuela's Chavez and  Fidel Castro in Cuba were featured, saying these leaders "have little love for the US." Neither do growing millions worldwide, especially throughout the Middle East and Afghanistan where US policies and officials are reviled with good reason. Notably, since Iran's 1979 revolution and US hostage crisis, Washington's been spoiling for a fight. The Carter administration considered invading and seizing its oil fields. Reagan escalated Carter's policies short of committing US forces in combat. Saddam then got US backing. A decade of war followed. America pretended support for both sides, but mostly gave it to Iraq. US/Iranian relations remain tense. Washington's sought regime change for years. Various confrontational tactics include on and off saber rattling, sanctions, direct and covert meddling in Iran's internal affairs, cyber war, subversion, targeted assassinations, other destabilization tactics, and vicious propaganda to incite fear and justice war. Yet major media scoundrels regurgitate it like fact instead of offering readers and viewers truth and full disclosure. On January 31, NBC Nightly News anchor Brian Williams lied to viewers saying: "Iran's threat. Not just the nuclear program. Tonight, US intelligence warns Iran may be prepared to strike on American soil." Referring to Clapper's testimony, he called it a "chilling new assessment about the scope of the threat from Iran." NBC correspondent Andrea Mitchell added: "Experts warn that the US is even more vulnerable than Israel if Iran retaliates or launches a preemptive bomb plot....Soft US targets like embassies throughout the Persian Gulf and 90,000 American troops in Afghanistan, next door to Iran" are vulnerable. "Still, intelligence officials told the Senate today they don't think Iran has taken the final step, deciding to build a bomb. But Israel does think Iran has crossed that red line, and US officials say if attacked, Iran would not hesitate to retaliate against both Israel and the US." In fact, international law permits responding to belligerent attacks in self-defense. It's not only justified, it obl open link Daily Stats
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Conceptual Marketing Corporation -  PETROFILM.COM歐洲觀點的分析信息  АНАЛИЗ, ИНФОРМАЦИЯ ИЗ ЕВРОПЕЙСКОЙ ПЕРСПЕКТИВЫANALYSIS INTERPRETATION FROM A EUROPEAN PERSPECTIVEPETROFILM.COM Institute for Empathic Dialogue Creation and Conflict Resolution  Harald Dahle-Sladek Editor-in-Chief Location Oslo, Norway E mail CLICK HERE ORE RESOURCE CENTER BELOWTHE JOHNS HOPKINS UNIVERSITY INTEGRITY EMPATHY RESPECT DIGNITYANALYSIS, INFORMATIONS FROM A EUROPEAN PERSPECTIVE طلاعات تجزیه و تحلیل از یک چشم انداز اروپاییعزت احترام به همدلی یکپارچه سازیتجزیه و تحلیل ، اطلاعات از یک چشم انداز اروپاییINTEGRITEIT EMPATHIE RESPECTEER WAARDIGHEIDANALYSE, INFORMATIE VANUIT EEN EUROPEES PERSPECTIEFINTÉGRITÉ EMPATHIE RESPECT DIGNITÉANALYSE, INFORMATIONS D'UNE PERSPECTIVE EUROPÉENNE INTEGRIDAD EMPATÍA RESPETO DIGNIDADANÁLISIS, INFORMACIONES CON PERSPECTIVA DE EUROPAЦЕЛОСТНОСТЬ СОБСТВЕННОСТЬ УВАЖЕНИЕ ДОСТОИНСТВА АНАЛИЗ ИНФОРМАЦИИ С ПЕРСПЕКТИВЫ ИЗ ЕВРОПЫ 誠信尊重尊嚴  分析,來自歐洲的信息 Welcome!Herzlich willkommen! Bienvenido! добро пожаловать!  ようこそ!  Bienvenue!  歡迎   أهلا بك   The Grand European Plain It stretches from the Pyrenees Mountains and the French coast of the  Bay of Biscay  in the West to the Russian Ural Mountains in the East.EUROPE ЕВРОПА603.8 Million people - 603,8 миллиона человек - 6.038億人 歐洲  اروپا CLICK MAP PLAY EUROPEAN ANTHEMCLICK FLAG PLAY EUROPEAN UNIONThe European Union: 445 MillionCLICK EFTA LOGO FOR VIDEOThe European Free Trade Association EFTA: 13.6 MillionCLICK FLAG FOR RUSSIA BELARUSThe Russian Federation West of Ural: 101.6 Million CLICK FLAG FOR BREXIT VIDEOThe United Kingdom: 66.6  MillionOslo, November 2021Ноябрь 2021 г.   2021 年 11 月  نوامبر 2021 UN Article 19, EU Charter Article 11 Freedom of Expression Everyone has the right to Freedom of Expression. This right shall include freedom to hold opinions and to receive and impart information and ideas without interference by public authority and regardless of frontiers. UN Article 23 Right to Work Everyone has the right to work, to free choice of employment, to just and favourable conditions of work and to protection against unemployment. Everyone, without any discrimination, has the right to equal pay for equal work. UN Article 21 Non-DiscriminationAny discrimination based on sex, race, color, ethnic or social origin, genetic traits, language, religion or belief, political or other opinion, membership of a national minority, property, birth, disability, age or sexual orientation shall be prohibited.Nuremberg Principles VI: Crimes against Humanity.Murder, extermination, enslavement, deportation and other inhumane acts done against any civilian population, or persecutions on political, racial, or religious grounds, when such acts are done, or such persecutions are carried on in execution of or in connection with any crime against peace or any war crime.  EUROPEPETROFILM.COMEMPATHY  RESPECT  DIGNITYEUROPE  ЕВРОПАHelmut KohlCHANCELLOR OF GERMANY'S UNITY AND THE EURO  Click picture Play videoHelmut Kohl was the Chancellor who voted for the Euro, created dialogue and common ground with Russa and united Germany together with Mikhail Gorbachev. Kohl was a German statesman who served as Chancellor of Germany from 1982 to 1998 and as the chairman of the Christian Democratic Union from 1973 to 1998. From 1969 to 1976, Kohl was minister president of the state Rhineland-Palatinate. Kohl chaired the Group of Seven in 1985 and again in 1992. ANALYSIS INTERPRETATION FROM A EUROPEAN PERSPECTIVEPETROFILM.COMInstitute for Empathic Dialogue Creation and Conflict ResolutionHarald Dahle-SladekFounder and Editor-in-chiefОснователь и главный редакторبنیانگذار و مدیرمسئول總編輯 創 Warning Lamps are Flashing!And now, warnings lamps are flashing, as  nuclear powered nations seek to preserve an imagined threshold over an even more imaginary  enemy.  The collapse of Western logic in Afghanistan is the fuse which can bury Human Dignity. DEFENDING OUR FREEDOM?Lockheed Martin F-22 Raptor is a fifth-generation, single-seat, twin-engine, all-weather stealth tactical fighter aircraft developed for the United States Air Force REINFORCING DETERRENCE  ON NATO'S EASTERN FLANK Hello friends! The US think-tank RAND with close ties to the military, just completed a very important study with regards to NATO allies defence of the Baltic states Estonia and Latvia. And the result is pretty darn gloomy reading. For my own part I will also ad Norway. NATO today is not able to defend it's most vulnerable states! Please read the report yourself and make up your own opinion. We must fight ISIS and terrorism in all it's uglyness. Keep your eyes and ears wide open and repport anything suspicious. Cheers! FASCISM IN AMERICAKarl Jaspers:"That which has happened is a Warning!""To forget it is guilt. It must be continually remembered. It was possible for this to happen. And it remains possible for it to happen again at any minute. Only in knowledge can it be prevented." Karl Theodor Jaspers German, Born 23 February 1883, passed away on  26 February 1969, was a German-Swiss psychiatrist and philo-sopher who had a strong influence on modern theology psychiatry, and philosophy. After being trained in and practicing psychiatry, Jaspers turned to philosophical inquiry and attempted to discover an innovative philosophical system. He was often viewed as a major exponent of existentialism in Germany, though he did not accept the label.LIFEMonuments Carved in Granite on Barren FieldsWhen one talks about Life, it is pertinent to ask, what life does one mean? The entire life, or just selected parts of it? The parts that we like and prefer and leave the rest not to be mentioned? The people who will walk a mile with me, but say “no thank you” to carry my burden and walk another mile? The ones who never invited me for a cup of tea, but proclaim seriously that I am a “friend”? The ones who admire their own achievements highly, but never had time to visit me once. What life are they adhering to? The one in parts, or the one in totality?A warning sign for our time. I want to be seen in totality; I do not want that my life be selectively butchered and twisted into something it is not. My articles are monuments in stone in a barren landscape devoid of humanism. They are there to warn and to encourage, but not to be neglected. In today’s vain world, where it has become so increasingly popular to talk IN a mobile phone, instead of empathizing WITH and showing human DIGNITY; where one is accustomed to appreciating media hype, political lies, lack  of responsibilities leading to mass starvation and mass death; in such a world and coldness between people, the abnormal has become the trend, and sadly this is what we adhere to. In such an inter human setting, the message is clear, why bother to respect the other person right in front of ourselves. It is so much easier to babble because the spoken word carries no longer any commitment, it is free, it does not cost anything to say this or the other. Life is easy when one is free not to engage in another person’s life-and-death experiences, when it is so much more convenient to look at a movie. People who ignore monuments carved out in granite on barren fields are confirming themselves to the believes of death and destruction. We who write and warn have the humanistic right to say this. It is our task in life. Not to be kind to death and destruction, but to admire and encourage Life. We expect the same from others as we expect from ourselves. And if the other fail, we must go forward alone, and warn. That is our destiny.2021 IN RETROSPECT: THE YEAR THE UNITED STATES DISGRACEFULLY LEFT AFGHANISTANDeputy Foreign Minister for Economic Affairs, Governor of the Central Bank, Ambassador to Tokyo and Ottawa interviewed by PETROFILMHis Excellency Seyed Mohammad Hossein Adeli PhD. Foreign Ministry Tehran: From the left His Excellency Seyed Mohammad Hossein Adeli PhD. To his left is the Editor-in-chief Harald Dahle from Oslo.THE OPERATIONS OF THE UNITED STATESIN AFGHANISTAN  ALSO CAME AS THE ACTIVE SUPPORT FROM IRAN A GOLDEN OPPORTUNITYfor Washington to better its relations with Teheranwent out of the window!  CLICK PICTURE PLAY VIDEODr. Adeli explains Iran's view regarding Afghanistand and the U.S.Dr. Adeli: "Great disappointment!" This interview was conducted in Dr. Hussein Adeli's office in the Foreign Ministry in Tehran. It was the first of two meetings that Harald Dahle had with Dr. Adeli. The first was in April 2002, and the second meeting was held in May 2003. During the interview made in April of 2002  it became quite clear to the Editor-in-Chief, that the rejection of the United Sates to appreciate what Iran had done for the country in Afghanistan, neither did not sit well with the upper echelon of the Islamic Republic of Iran, nor was it well received by the Deputy Foreign Minister for Economic Affairs. This would have been a Golden Opportunity for the United States to better the relations with Iran, but in wain. Washington was not ready to hand Tehran a firm handshake. Dahle: -Tehran has sent an invitation to Washington for a meeting and better the relations between the two sides. I understand that the United States has rejected this initiative. How do you view the current relations with the U.S. after this disappointment? Adeli: -Well, actually our relations with the West in general has improved a lot during the last, may be four, five years. Dahle: -Yes.  Adeli: -Specially with the policies that have been followed by President Khatami, Dialogue among Civilization, the Rule of Law, the Principles of Civil Society, the elimination of tensions between Iran or other countries, the elimination of misunderstanding. All of these policies have been seriously followed by Iran in its Foreign Policy and has contributed to the relations with all countries except the United States. And with the West in general we have been able to exchange delegations on the level of Foreign Minister and head of Governments. Dahle: -Aren't the operations of the United States in Afghanistan very much based on the early assistance from Iran? Adeli: -But with the United States, it is unfortunately to see, that even developments in Afghanistan, which owes a lot to understanding and effective assistance from Iran, has not, I believe, been able to penetrate into the hearts or the minds of decision makers in the United States.  Dahle: -Without the help from Iran in Afghanistan, you say that the United States would not have been where they are now? Adeli: -I think that there is no doubt, even in the American eyes, that what we now see in the situation in Afghanistan owes a lot to Iranian assistance, Iranian understanding. The military success of the United States owes a lot to understanding and appreciation from Iran, and also the political process in Afghanistan owes the same thing.   Adeli: -And may be that was a very unique opportunity for the United Sates to reciprocate these kinds of understanding, and to seize and stop those kinds of policies that are pursued by them, in the past couple of decades. But apparently there is still not a very strong sign from that side.  Dahle: -Iran has friendly relations with many countries in the world, so why not also with the United States? Adeli: -Off course, the general policy of Iran is to have friendly relations with every country in the world, including the United States, provided that this kind of relationship would be based on an equal footing, on a mutual beneficial sort of relationship. So, this is why I think that, as the policies of the United States, which are normally a unilateral policy, we hope that one time they would join the other countries of the West and developing countries, and would join that kind of under-standing of Iran. That the developments in the region would open their eyes, and that they would adopt a new policy towards our country! Dahle: -Thank you Dr. Adeli. EUROPE’S SECOND WAVE OF GENOCIDEMADE POSSIBLE BY INCOMPETENT TOTALITARIANISM WRAPPED IN QUASI-HUMANISTIC HYPEThe European COVID-19 vaccine drama reflects an authoritarian acceptance of genocide on a grander scale en par with the extermi-nation of the Jews. There are disturbing common traits in both incidences. Exterminations of the Jews could have been and should have been terminated, but it wasn’t because it served a political purpose. The ongoing pandemic could have and should have been terminated in Europe by now, but it is still an ongoing phenomenon because it serves an EU-political overriding purpose, to establish an authoritarian presence. In both cases, the leadership of Europe were morally, ethically, judicially, financially, and medically incapable of solving life threatening, urgent problems.  The present leadership of the German Republic, with Angela Merkel, has been replicating 1943, although with democratic coating. But the results are the same, dead Covid-19 people are queuing up for the incinerators working on full capacity. This is Europe’s second wave of genocide wrapped in quasi-humanistic hype giving the impression of caring. To deny people of Europe vaccine, as is the case with Sputnik V, is to prioritize death for life. Europe is once again the continent of death blessed by incompetent totalitarianism. A coffin of a person who passed away due to coronavirus disease (COVID-19) is burned in the Meissen crematory amid the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) pandemic in Meissen, Germany, December 23, 2020. MEISSEN, Germany — A German crematorium in the eastern state of Saxony, which has been hit hard by the second wave of the coronavirus pandemic, is struggling to keep up with the number of people who have died from COVID-19 just before Christmas. “We are currently working 24 hours a day, from Monday to Sunday, without a break,” said Meissen crematorium manager Joerg Schaldach. “We will of course have to keep on cremating and now the holidays are around the corner,” he said, adding special procedures were required for people who died from COVID-19. “The coffins are sealed, the deceased are wrapped in accident-like bags, so there is barely any possibility of having contact with the virus,” said Schaldach. The eastern German state of Saxony has reported the highest number of deaths per capita in Germany over the course of the pandemic, with around 57 in 100,000 people there having died. Schaldach also said the crematorium at Meissen had space to store the bodies of the deceased. He hopes he will not have to use a building that has been arranged for emergencies and which could hold up to 2,000 bodies. Germany reported a new coronavirus daily death toll high of 962 on Wednesday, bringing the total death toll to 27,968. The number of confirmed coronavirus cases jumped by 24,740 to 1,554,920, RKI data showed on Wednesday. A Forsa poll showed on Wednesday that whereas the majority of Germans stick to coronavirus hygiene rules, most male supporters of the far-right Alternative for Germany (AfD) in eastern German states do not wear face masks when social distancing is not possible. Saxony is a stronghold for the AfD. Europe's EU Covid-19 Crime Against HumanityEU'S VON DER LEYEN WITH OTHERS MUST STAND TRIAL AT THE INTERNATIONAL CRIMINAL COURT ICCUrsula Von der Leyen: The European Commission's disaster President #1 Rejecting SPUTNIK V to the European population is a serious Criminal offence. High-level crime of the century disguises Europe's catastrophic vaccine shortage for what it is: A politically correct genocide. This is politically accepted genocide under the disguise and excuse of a criminal bureaucracy, in Norway as well as in the EU countries in line with the politically correct extermination of the Jews. The politicians have taken the entire European population for a rollercoaster ride which ends in the incinerators.  This is not about pressing "red buttons". This is politically accepted genocide under the guise and excuses of a criminal bureaucracy, in Norway as well as in the EU. In line with the extermination of the Jews. We are far past "pushing red buttons". Back then, in 1943, it was politically correct to push the Jews into the incinerators in Poland today it is politically correct to push people into incinerators from Bergamo to Oslo. The Rome Statute OFthe International Criminal Court ICC Article 25 Individual criminal responsibilityThe Court has jurisdiction over natural persons. A person who commits a crime within the jurisdiction of the Court is individually responsible and liable for punishment in accordance with the Rome Statute. 1 In accordance with the Rome Statute, a person shall be criminally responsible and liable for punishment for a crime within the jurisdiction of the Court if that person: Commits such a crime, whether as an individual, jointly with another or through another person, regardless of whether that other person is criminally responsible; 2 Orders, solicits or induces the commission of such a crime which in fact occurs or is attempted; For the purpose of facilitating the commission of such a crime, aids, abets or otherwise assists in its commission or its attempted commission, including providing the means for its commission; 3 In any other way contributes to the commission or attempted commission of such a crime by a group of persons acting with a common purpose. 4 In respect of the crime of genocide, directly and publicly incites others to commit genocide; Attempts to commit such a crime by taking action that commences its execution by means of a substantial step, but the crime does not occur because of circumstances independent of the person's intentions.U.S. SPACE FENCELockheed Martin, AMEC Foster Wheeler, General Dynamics, SATCOM, Northrop GrummanVardo Globus III and Cobra Dane tracks ICBM's from Plesetsk to Kura Globus 3 Vardo NorwayEglin AFB Click picture and PlayHarris Corporation - AN/FPS-85 Radar Cover Replacement Time Lapse, Eglin Air Force Base  INSTANT RESPONSE RADARS   Globus III, Eglin FPS-85, Cobra Dane, Kwajalein Altair and  Millstone Hill, are just five of the most valuable sensors today. RussiaPLESETSK COSMODROMEPlesetsk is used especially for military satellites placed into high inclination and polar orbits since the range for falling debris is clear to the north which is largely uninhabited Arctic and polar terrain. It is situated in a region of taiga, or flat terrain with boreal pine forests.Coat of Arms ArchangelskOn October 26, 2017 Russia conducted its annual strategic forces exercise. The exercise involved a launch of a Topol/SS-25 ICBM from Plesetsk. The warhead is said to successfully reach its target at Kura.             BALLISTIC MISSILE LAUNCH               from Plesetsk in Arkhangelsk region Photo: Russian Ministry of Defense CLIC PICTURE AND PLAYThe exercise involved a launch of a Topol/SS-25 ICBM from Plesetsk. The warhead is said to successfully reach its target at Kura. Below Plesets Cosmodrome.Coat of Arms Palana KamchatkaGreater Coat of Arms of Alaska COBRA DANE, SHEMYA ISLANDClick and PlayThe Cobra Dane Phased Array Radar on Shemya Island Shemya Island about 2,414 kilometers from Anchorage, Alaska, and is part of the Near Islands group at the tip of the Aleutian Island chain. Shemya Island occupies approximately 1,425 hectares and is part of the Alaska Maritime National Wildlife Refuge administered by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and is operated by the U.S. Air Force. A person who worked there says, "I did my overseas deployment on Shemya from January 1963 to January 1964. It was a very unusual place. It is the only place I have ever heard of where one can experience heavy fog, tremendous winds, and snow, sleet, or rain all at once. We once endured a storm where the wind speed was measured at 105 mph when the anemometer blew away."  He continues with his story,"The work we did was fascinating. I would not have traded my experience there for anything, although I did not appreciate it nearly as much then as I do now. The Army, Air Force, and Navy people working on Shemya can be justifiably proud of what they contributed to our winning the Cold War." Electrical equipment in the subarray face of the Cobra Dane radar systemThe computer room for the Cobra Dane radar system during the Cold war. Shemya Island has been developed by the military and continues to operate as an Intelligence Radar site whose principal purpose involves monitoring space and missile activities. The base is under control of the Eareckson Air Station Program Management Office, part of the 611th Air Support Group at Elmendorf Air Force Base Alalska. Eareckson Air Station is an isolated self contained military installation, and it has no surrounding communities.  DEFENDING OUR FREEDOMCOBRA DANE RADAR COVERAGEEareckson Air Station, Shemya IslandCobra Dane Phased Array Radar on Eareckson Air Station Shemya Island Eareckson Air Station is a United States Air Force military airport located on the island of Shemya, in the Alaskan Aleutian Islands. Established in May of 1943 as a forward operating base for longrange bomber aircraft of the US Army Air Force to conduct bombing missions on Japanese positions in the Kurile Islands, the base was heavily utilized until war's end, with the present-day runway being added to the airfield to support the operations a planned squadron of B-29 Superfortresses flying missions ag-ainst mainland Japan as part of Operation Downfall.  "From its establishment in early 2002 through the end of 2010, the Missile Defense Agency is fielding a Ballistic Missile Defense System consisting of 30 Ground-Based Interceptors for long-range homeland defense. Aegis warships capable of long-range surveillance and tracking and missile intercepts. Standard Missile-3 interceptors for Aegis Ballistic Missile Defense warships. Upgraded Cobra Dane radar in the Aleutian Islands." Upgraded early warning radars, currently Beale Air Force Base, Calif., Fylingdales, U.K., and Thule, Greenland. 11 transportable X-band radars for operations and testing. Sea-based X-band radar now located in the Pacific Ocean to support flight testing and actual defensive operations. Integrated Command, Control, Battle Management, and Communications element across the BMDS.COBRA DANEThe certain principal use of this X-band radar, along with a second one for Eareckson Air Station on Shemya Island, some 2414Km southwest of Anchorage, will be to collect detailed intelligence data on Russia¹s long range ballistic missiles. This data will cover the entire trajectory of the missiles, and will be of primal value to a U.S. NMD system. THE COBRA DANE PHASED ARRAY RADAR ON SHEMYA ISLANDThe 21st Operations Group was reactivated on 15 May 1992 as a component of the redesignated and reactivated 21st Space Wing, providing command management of Air Force Space Command's worldwide network of assigned missile warning, space surveillance, and communications units.The 21st Operations Group assumed the Cobra Dane Radar mission at Eareckson Air Station, Shemya Island, Alaska, April 1. Eareckson AS is located on the western tip of Alaska's Aleutian islands. The radar has the ability to detect objects about 2,000 miles away, and provides data for the Space Surveillance Network and the Ballistic Missile Defense System. Cobra Dane will continue to be operated by a contract workforce, and no military personnel will be assigned to the unit at Eareckson Air Station. Cobra Dane security patrolBuchel AFB GermanyThe people who brought us complete shame in Afghanistan are the very same people who now have control over the keys to the depots in Europe that store B61-12 thermo nuclear gravity bombs, like the Buchel Nuclear ABF Germany, pictured below.AFRIKAANSNuke -ooreenkoms tussen Noorweë en die VSA ontbind. Nuwe linkse regering beskou die gravitasiebom B61-12 as teenproduktief.Die verkiesing in Noorweë in September het gelei tot 'n regerings-wisseling, met Jonas Gahr Støre van die Arbeidersparty as premier. Gahr Støre is bekend by die voorstanders van kernontwapening, omdat hy as minister van buitelandse sake van Noorweë die "humanitêre inisiatief" -proses ondersteun het wat gelei het tot die onderhandelinge van die TPNW.Соглашение о ядерной бомбе между Норвегией и США будет разорвано. Новое левое правительство считает, что гравитационная бомба B61-12 контрпродуктивна.Сентябрьские выборы в Норвегии привели к смене правительства, и премьер-министром был избран Йонас Гар Стёре из Лейбористской партии. Гар Стёре хорошо известен сторонникам ядерного разоружения, поскольку он поддерживал в качестве министра иностранных дел Норвегии процесс «гуманитарных инициатив», который привел к переговорам по ТПЯО.  挪威和美國之間的核協議將被廢除。新左翼政府認為 B61-12 重力炸彈適得其反。挪威 9 月的選舉導致政府更迭,工黨的 Jonas Gahr Støre 當選為首相。 Gahr Støre 以核裁軍倡導者而聞名,作為挪威外交部長,他支持導致 TPNW 談判的“人道主義倡議”進程。NORWAY-US RELATIONSNuke Agreement between Norway and the US to be dismantled. New left wing Government sees B61-12 gravity bomb as counterproductive.Norway’s elections in September led to a change of government, with Jonas Gahr Støre of the Labor Party elected as Prime Minister. Gahr Støre is well known to advocates of nuclear disarmament, having been supportive as foreign minister of Norway of the “humanitarian initiative” process which led to the negotiations of the TPNW. “That Norway as the first NATO country confirms that it will participate as an observer at the nuclear weapons ban treaty’s first meeting of states parties sends an important signal to our allies that nuclear weapons are unacceptable,” says Tuva Widskjold, coordinator for ICAN Partrner Norway. The Chairwoman of the Nobel Committee was not informed.Chairwoman of the Nobel Committee Mrs. Berit Reiss-Andersen holds up pictures of the Nobel Peace recipients of 2021, journalist Maria Ressa of the Philippines and Dmitry Muratov from Russia not knowing that the Nobel Institute which houses the Nobel Committee has conspired with the secret police of Norway to shut down Norwegian Journalist Harald Dahle inside in the library and reading room of the Nobel Institute for more than thirty years.Berit Reiss-Andersen (born 11 July 1954) is a Norwegian lawyer, author and former politician for the Norwegian Labour Party. She is chairman of the Norwegian Nobel Committee, the 5-member committee that awards the Nobel Peace Prize. She is also a board member of the Nobel Foundation, which has the overall responsibility for all the five Nobel Prizes. She served as state secretary for the Minister of Justice and Police from 1996 to 1997 and as President of the Norwegian Bar Association from 2008 to 2012. She has co-authored two crime novels with former Minister of Justice Anne Holt. She is currently a partner at DLA Piper's Oslo office.  The Collapse of a Nobel idea!Mr. Olav Njølstad, the Director of the Nobel Peace Institute in Oslo took hist cues from the secret Police and conspired to get rid of Norwegian journalist Harald Dahle.Behind the curtain of the Norwegian State and peace promoting work by the Nobel Peace Institute in Oslo is now unfolding a drama hidden from the International press. Director Olav Njølstad of the Nobel Peace Institute, which is the seat for the Nobel Prize Committee, received his instructions from the secret Police to get rid of journalist Harald Dahle as did his entire Nobel staff. Over the past thirty years and longer there has been massive harassment by plain cloth police on the premises of the Nobel Institute and particularly at the library reading room where Mr. Dahle worked and wrote. Behind the gloss from Nobel's intention of peace and tolerance between the peoples hides a monstrous lie without bottom, perfectly staged by a State run deception which is exempt from openness and responsibility. A Director for Peace that conspires with the Police and harass an experienced journalist should take his hat and go. He followed order from the same fascist Police who harassed the Norwegian Jews and sent them to the gas chambers i Poland, so much for dignity!Journalist Harald Dahle has taken the Ministry of Justice to the European Court of Human Rights in Strasbourg for harassment over thirty years. This is freedom of the Press in Norway.Peace loving Olav Njølstad took his cues from the Police. HUMAN RIGHTS  UN Article 19, EU Charter Article 11 Freedom of Expression Everyone has the right to Freedom of Expression. This right shall include freedom to hold opinions and to receive and impart information and ideas without interference by public authority and regardless of frontiers. UN Article 23 Right to Work Everyone has the right to work, to free choice of employment, to just and favourable conditions of work and to protection against unemployment. Everyone, without any discrimination, has the right to equal pay for equal work. UN Article 21 Non-DiscriminationAny discrimination based on sex, race, color, ethnic or social origin, genetic traits, language, religion or belief, political or other opinion, membership of a national minority, property, birth, disability, age or sexual orientation shall be prohibited. OsloNORWAY'S NOBEL HYPOCRICYThe Nobel Peace Institute in Oslo. The Norwegian Parliament appoints all members to the Norwegian Nobel Committee  Staged by State directed Deception Exempt from Transparency and Responsibility.The biggest of All  Hypocrisies is the Lie.Norway has awarded the Nobel Peace Prize for 2021 to the Philippine journalist Maria Ressa who criticizes President Rodrigo Duterte and his government and the Russian journalist Dmitry Muratov who criticizes Vladimir Putin's government, while the same country harasses the Norwegian journalist Harald Dahle for his writing, publishing and statements . Forty years of harassment by the Norwegian Justice Service by journalist Dahle with a deadly threat of death, denial of all work in the kingdom, harassment of hospitalization, extreme social dumping, harassment in churches and monasteries does not prevent Peace Prize Norway from presenting the biggest of all hypocrisy, the lie itself! The Norwegian judiciary is corrupt and is at the same low level as the judiciary, the police and the surveillance in the former German, democratic republic of the GDR. It touches on President Augusto Pinochet's right-wing radical terrorist junta in the nineteen seventies, and gives associations to Operation Condor; the Cold War conspiracy that terrorized South America in the seventies and eighties. And in Norway: the brutal police murder in Sarpsborg this year of the young Bosnian-Swedish man carried out with a submachine gun and handgun helps to confirm the impression of lawlessness and terror from South America. Harald Dahle: - The Nobel Institute in Oslo and the secret police worked together to harass me. Because I write well and have a sharp pen. One day when I was going to the reading room to work, two nicely dressed men and a woman blocked the way for me up the stairs. Director at the Nobel Institute, Olav Njølstad did not like that I was there, and the staff was very unpleasant to me. After much preparation, I now take the Ministry of Justice to the European Court of Human Rights in Strasbourg. And so little Norway - far up on the map - behind the gloss from the Nobel's intention of peace and tolerance between the peoples, then hides a monstrous lie without bottom. Perfectly staged by a state-run deception that is exempt from openness and responsibility, a Nobel committee that criticizes other countries' political climate instead of looking into their own country first. Garbage is a qualified word that fits the Nobel Prize award of 2021. 由國家控制的欺騙上演,除了開放性和責任感。  最大的虛偽是謊言。挪威將 2021 年諾貝爾和平獎授予批評羅德里戈·杜特爾特總統及其政府的菲律賓記者瑪麗亞·雷薩和批評弗拉基米爾·普京政府的俄羅斯記者德米特里·穆拉托夫,而同一個國家則騷擾挪威記者哈拉爾德·達勒的寫作、出版和聲明。 記者 Dahle 以死亡威脅、拒絕在王國的所有工作、住院騷擾、極端社會傾銷、教堂和修道院中的騷擾等方式對挪威司法局進行了四十年的騷擾,但這並不能阻止挪威和平獎表現出最大的虛偽,謊言本身! 挪威司法機構腐敗,與前東德民主共和國的司法機構、警察和監視機構處於同一低水平。它涉及 19 世紀 70 年代奧古斯托·皮諾切特總統的右翼激進恐怖主義軍政府,並與禿鷹行動有關聯;七八十年代恐嚇南美洲的冷戰陰謀。在挪威:今年在薩爾普斯堡用衝鋒槍和手槍對這位年輕的波斯尼亞-瑞典男子進行殘酷的警察謀殺有助於證實南美洲無法無天和恐怖的印象。 Harald Dahle: - 奧斯陸諾貝爾研究所和秘密警察聯手騷擾我。因為我寫得好,筆鋒利。一天,我去閱覽室上班,兩個衣著光鮮的男人和一個女人擋住了我上樓梯的路。諾貝爾研究所所長 Olav Njølstad 不喜歡我在那裡,工作人員對我很不愉快。經過大量準備,我現在將司法部帶到斯特拉斯堡的歐洲人權法院。 如此小的挪威——在地圖上遙遙領先——在諾貝爾和平與寬容的意圖背後,隱藏著一個沒有底的可怕謊言。完全由一個免於公開和責任的國營騙局,一個批評別國政治氣候而不是首先審視自己國家的諾貝爾委員會完美上演。 垃圾,是一個符合2021年諾貝爾獎的合格詞。 諾貝爾理念的崩潰奧斯陸諾貝爾和平研究所所長 Olav Njølstad 先生從秘密警察那裡得到線索,密謀除掉挪威記者 Harald Dahle。   在奧斯陸諾貝爾和平研究所的挪威國家與促進和平工作的幕後,現在正在上演一出隱藏在國際媒體之外的戲劇。作為諾貝爾獎委員會所在地的諾貝爾和平研究所所長奧拉夫·恩約爾斯塔德(Olav Njølstad)接到了秘密警察的指示,要趕走記者哈拉爾德·達勒(Harald Dahle),就像他的整個諾貝爾工作人員一樣。在過去的三十多年裡,便衣警察在諾貝爾研究所的場所,特別是在 Dahle 先生工作和寫作的圖書館閱覽室裡,發生了大規模的騷擾。 諾貝爾希望各國人民之間和平與寬容的意圖的光彩背後隱藏著一個無底的可怕謊言,完美地由國家欺騙,免於公開和責任。一名與警察共謀並騷擾經驗豐富的記者的和平署署長應該戴上帽子走人。他聽從了騷擾挪威猶太人並將他們送到波蘭毒氣室的同一個法西斯警察的命令,這是為了尊嚴!三十多年來,記者 Harald Dahle 已將司法部告上斯特拉斯堡的歐洲人權法院。這就是挪威的新聞自由。CHINAThere is only one MotherlandThe Western reasoning does not understand the ancient Chinese reasoning revealing  an intellectual clash of opposite cultures. The island of Taiwan is part of the Chinese territory and shall be returned. Imperial China must be respected, and war is not an option.   祖國祇有一個, 台灣是其中的一部分。西方的推理不理解中國古代的推理,揭示了對立文化的智力衝突。台灣島是中國領土的一部分,應當歸還。中華帝國必須得到尊重,戰爭不是一種選擇。 移情,尊重,尊嚴  我們必須與中華人民共和國建立對話和共同點。   中國絕不能孤立。那會導致戰爭!香港 中國的法律權利親愛的朋友和讀者們。 治安是中國的基石。 祖國擁有在其自己的領土後院香港實施法律和秩序的合法權利。 無需徵得任何其他國家的許可。 在西方,這既不是很好理解也不是很受歡迎。 西方天真的從“民主”和“權利”的角度講是政治上的壓迫,是宣傳。 香港是祖國; 只有一個。 美國在製裁世界“每個其他”國家之前,應照顧好自己的人權和黑人公民問題。 祝你有美好的一天,乾杯  由國家控制的欺騙上演,除了開放性和責任感。   最大的虛偽是謊言。挪威將 2021 年諾貝爾和平獎授予批評羅德里戈·杜特爾特總統及其政府的菲律賓記者瑪麗亞·雷薩和批評弗拉基米爾·普京政府的俄羅斯記者德米特里·穆拉托夫,而同一個國家則騷擾挪威記者哈拉爾德·達勒的寫作、出版和聲明。 記者 Dahle 以死亡威脅、拒絕在王國的所有工作、住院騷擾、極端社會傾銷、教堂和修道院中的騷擾等方式對挪威司法局進行了四十年的騷擾,但這並不能阻止挪威和平獎表現出最大的虛偽,謊言本身! 挪威司法機構腐敗,與前東德民主共和國的司法機構、警察和監視機構處於同一低水平。它涉及 19 世紀 70 年代奧古斯托·皮諾切特總統的右翼激進恐怖主義軍政府,並與禿鷹行動有關聯;七八十年代恐嚇南美洲的冷戰陰謀。在挪威:今年在薩爾普斯堡用衝鋒槍和手槍對這位年輕的波斯尼亞-瑞典男子進行殘酷的警察謀殺有助於證實南美洲無法無天和恐怖的印象。 Harald Dahle: - 奧斯陸諾貝爾研究所和秘密警察聯手騷擾我。因為我寫得好,筆鋒利。一天,我去閱覽室上班,兩個衣著光鮮的男人和一個女人擋住了我上樓梯的路。諾貝爾研究所所長 Olav Njølstad 不喜歡我在那裡,工作人員對我很不愉快。經過大量準備,我現在將司法部帶到斯特拉斯堡的歐洲人權法院。 如此小的挪威——在地圖上遙遙領先——在諾貝爾和平與寬容的意圖背後,隱藏著一個沒有底的可怕謊言。完全由一個免於公開和責任的國營騙局,一個批評別國政治氣候而不是首先審視自己國家的諾貝爾委員會完美上演。 垃圾,是一個符合2021年諾貝爾獎的合格詞。 是時候思考了。在貧瘠的土地上用花崗岩雕刻而成的紀念碑。 當人們談論生命時,應該問生命意味著什麼?整個生命或只是它的一部分?我們喜歡的部分和我們喜歡的部分,剩下的更不用說了? 和我一起走一英里卻說不感謝的人背著我的重擔再走一英里?那些從來沒有請過我喝茶的人,卻鄭重聲明我是“朋友”?那些真的很佩服自己的成就,卻連一次都沒有時間來看我的人?他們過著怎樣的生活?是部分還是整體?我們這個時代的警告標誌。我想被完整地看到;我不希望我的生活被有選擇地切割和扭曲成不存在的東西。我的文章是荒蕪的荒地上的石碑,沒有人文主義。它們旨在警告和鼓勵,但不應被忽視。在當今虛榮的世界裡,越來越流行用手機說話,而不是同情和展示人的尊嚴;一個人習慣於欣賞媒體的炒作、政治謊言、缺乏責任感,導致大規模飢餓和大規模死亡。 ;在這樣一個人與人之間冷冰冰的世界裡,變態已經成為一種趨勢,而不幸的是,我們堅持了這一點。 在這樣一個人際交往的環境中,信息很清楚為什麼要尊重你面前的另一個人。胡言亂語容易多了,因為口語不再帶有任何義務,它是自由的,說這個或那個不值得。 . 看電影。 忽視在貧瘠土地上用花崗岩雕刻的紀念碑的人們重申了他們對死亡和破壞的信念。我們,作家和警告者,有人道主義權利這​​樣說。這是我們生活中的任務。不要善待死亡和破壞。但欽佩和鼓勵生活。我們對他人的期望與對自己的期望相同。如果“另一個”失敗了,我們必須獨自前進並發出警告。這是我們的宿命。 因此,當普京警告:“不要越過紅線”時,他警告我們要注意在貧瘠的土地上用花崗岩雕刻的紀念碑。是不是該停下來,傾聽和思考?NORWAYСтратегический бомбардировщик "Морской удар": готов к работе: Ту-22М3МStrategic Bomber Maritime Strike: Ready to go: Tu-22M3M戰略轟炸機海上打擊:準備就緒:Tu-22M3MWorld War III Starts Here The Hottest Place on Planet Earthis not North Korea, Iran, and Taiwan, but this Radar Installation already targeted for destruction by the Russian Air Force. The total obliviating of Globus II and Globus III "Space Fence" Radar installations on the tiny Vardø Island at the very tip of Northern Norway will be the first sign of a rapidly progressing World War III  Tu-22M3Backfire bomber: Close encounters with the Globus III installation U.S. Space Fence on Vardo Island, Northern Norway  We welcome U.S. Space Fence in Norway, but will it be to the best of the population who will be caught in the middle? GLOBUS 3 on Vardo Island will be one of the very first targets in a potential new conflict with Russia. Artwork by Petrofilm.The Norwegian leadership lives in the delusion that a unilateral bond with the US will save the country. The permit for the use of thermonuclear bombs of type B61-12 from Norwegian soil, owned and operated by the Americans, will be a guarantee for Norway, the management believes. Yes, it is a guarantee, but for the collective downfall of the Norwegian people. Norway has around 5.3 million inhabitants in an area swelled in from Oslo to Rome. Only half of Norway's population is strong enough to take the first hours of the war. The rest of the population is elderly, sick, children, pregnant, in prisons and in miserable form. Norway is a peacetime territory, but it is almost impossible to go to war. To that the country is too far, too cumbersome and too sparsely populated, and with a defense that is as good as defeated already. NATO started as a defense alliance but has become an attack alliance that has called in Russia and sees the country as its greatest enemy. Norway has hung on and gone from being a friendly neighbor to Russia, to becoming an offensive and provocative neighbor. This does not worry today's management in Norway. But it should, because Norway's ability to save its population lies in a good relationship with the neighbor in the eastValery Gerasimov Valery Grasimov, head of Russia's General Staff, said that Moscow would increase the capabilities of its ground-based strategic nuclear arms. "One of the main destructive factors complicating the international situation is how the US is acting as it attempts to retain its dominant role in the world," he said in comments released by the defense ministry. "It is for these purposes that Washington and its allies are taking comprehensive, concerted measures to contain Russia and discredit its role in international affairs." This is indeed sad news for Europe and the World. Have a good day!RS-24 Yars: Norway has become prime target, and its population does not stand a chance.  It is claimed by the Solberg Government that the new F35 aircraft are necessary for Norway's defense capabilities. And I suppose B61-12 is also meant to save the country. Not a single F35 will cross the border with Russia and not a B61-12 will fall on Russian soil.B61-12 thermonuclear gravity bomb: Norway is playing with fire Knowledgeable Vidkun Quisling did the same. He lived in an ideological dream world without ground contact with the Norwegian people's realistic ability to survive in the mind. What we experience in Norway today is betrayal of the Norwegian population. And no one seems to notice what is happening, that the country is moving quickly and safely towards the cliff. Sitting Duck? During inspection of one of the United States pre-positioning caves in the Mid-county Trondelag Norway, Secretary of the Navy Ray Mabus, left, has reason to look vorried. "We  spend millions of dollars every year, but in the long run, is it worth the money?"Secretary of the US Navy Ray Mabus, Norwegian military rightDear readers, The editor-in-chief sincerely believes that it is better to try to establish dialogue and common ground with Russia and China on the basis of empathy, respect, and dignity, than to escalate tensions and risk a nuclear confrontation. For this simple reason, in addition to being published in English, is also partially translated into Russian and Chinese; Russia in this context means the Russians living on the European side west of the Ural mountains on the Great European Plain. Thank you for your understanding and have a nice day. NORWAYHARASS AND DESTROYS THE LIVES OF MANY These are the people who like to be looked up to and walk  around with an incredible hybris of vain power. These are the people who has put the lives of many in great danger by invited foreign troops and thermo-nuclear weapons onto Norwegian soil. NORWAY'S SECRET POLICE OPERATES AS A STATE WITHIN THE STATEPainting by Adolf-Wissel: Kallenberger farmer family, 1939 The war was not over! The war which ended in 1945 has continued to this day. Norwegian secret police targets writers, journalists, and people in opposition to the lawlessness and disregard for human rights within the secret police force, the department of Justice in Oslo and other departments.  Norwegian police and scumbags breaks §90, the spy paragraph, Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union and the United Nations Human Rights when they spy on their own population for the American Embassy's SIMAS program. Infiltrates the Church and harass people during MassThis lawless secret police infiltrates the Catholic Church and turn the Church against members of their own church. The secret police put out false rumors among people, in shops, at working places to disregard and exclude enemies of the state.(Documented) Use false cellular towers to obtain dataTaps mobile phones from false cellular towers in moving and stationary veheicles, and uses the information obtained to further make life as destructive as possible. Obtain flight data from airlines to follow and further harass. (Documented) Harass Norwegian citizens abroadFollow people abroad. Operates in Spain and other countries in order to crush opposition. Provoke people on the streets in Oslo, walk them down, block entrances in doors to shops and arrive on peoples workplaces to provoke trouble so as to get people fired. (Documented) Put out sleezy rumors to discredit targets They use cheap tactics and put out rumors of homosexuality, pedophilia and other deviance's to further discredit people. They visit neighbors of targets and tell them that this person is a bad person. They do all which is humanly possible to destroy the life of any who have an opinion which goes against their own.(Documented) Create dialogue and you're an Enemy of the StateAnd they themselves do not present evidence to justify their mafia-like operations. Specially of those who will have dialogue with Russia, instead of war. You look to the East in today’s Norway, and you are as good as an enemy of the State.  The Norwegian secret police have access to a myriad of people with whom they cooperate. They work through people, so that the marks of their deed shall not be evident.  Traitors of truth and human rights. Instigators of trouble and death threats en par with Chiles right-wing Pinochet Junta. (Documented) Norway's secret  police: "The truth is what We say it is!"The Norwegian Nazi Police from the War has disappeared, but the substantive core of evil has not. This is Norway of today, on the same level as in the East German Democratic Republic DDR under Walter Ulbricht, the life under Stalin and in Croatia under Ante Pavelic.(Documented)A Dicatorship of the PartitocracyNorway has a shine-democracy - a dictatorship of the partitocracy which erodes real prosperity and real human rights for the population and operates as a State within a State. has in it's possession a huge amount of evidence of the operations of the Secret State. This is not a joke or a fantasy, it is real.  The Norwegian Quislings of today sell out Norway's population and destroys oppo-sition with an iron fist. (Documented) Security Incident Management Analysis System SIMASData mining from Government servers constitutes a serious crime and should be prosecuted. However, the United States' State Department should be careful not to exploit its Security Incident Management Analysis System, SIMAS in a dehumanizing way. (Documented) Sell out their own people to a foreign power It is a fact that Norwegian police and intelligence operatives work hand-in-glove with the United States Embassy in Oslo mining a huge amount of personal data from ordinary Norwegian citizens.  Thus, violating §90, the Spy paragraph, which states that "working for a foreign power is a serious crime and is punishable." (Documented) The Law applies equally to everyone Breaking the United Nations Human Rights and the Fundamental Charter of the European Union on personal protection is a serious crime too. Before criticizing codebreakers and journalists around the world, the United States should first scrutinize its own endeavors. You can't live crooked and think straight, weather you're a chauffeur or a Chief of State! The Law applies equally to everyone. (Documented) Until the mid 1960'ies leading Nazi's were still associated within the Norwegian Police. The Norwegian Nazi Police instigated harassment and deportation of all Norwegian Jews that they could lay their hands on and sent them express to the cremation ovens in the concentration camps in Poland. The Norwegian Police has never been indicted for its participation in administrative and practical work in the genocide of the Norwegian Jews.(Documented) The colder it gets between people the more fascism thrivesIn my own work dealing with people and dialogue in general, I have come to experience that many of us are not capable of viewing another human being right in front of ourselves with warmth, empathy, and humanness. I believe this defect to be one of several primary causes for disharmony, conflict, and war. I call this phenomenon, The coldness between people. (Documented) PEOPLE WHO RECOGNIZED THE DANGER OF FASCISMWhen we have to do with human beings there are particularly three words that comes to mind, empathy, respect and dignity. What you will read and watch here are the opposite of those three words, combined in one common slogan, "fascism". The seed of fascism lies within us, in the general public, and it is there waiting to pop out at the right time under a charismatic fascist leader. (Documented)  Click and PlayTeodor Ludwig Wiesengrund Adorno - German philosopher, ONE CANNOT FREE ONESELF IN ONES OWN COURT Norway's so called "official apology" which the Norwegian State has proclaimed, does not however, in itself give absolution for their guilt. One cannot free oneself in one’s own Court. A Police Force which has commit such a heinous crime once is able to do repeat it. The German philosopher Carl Jaspers has said, “Has it happened the first time then it can happen again!”   The German philosopher Theodor Adorno also points in this direction saying that, "Without the lack of warmth between people, Holocaust would never had happened." Click and PlayKarl Jaspers - Wesen der Existenz (Gespräch 1960)Karl Jaspers, "If it has happened once, it can happen again."  Click and PlayHannah Arendt: Das Wagnis der Öffentlicghkeit  Click and PlayErich Fromm Anatomie der menschlichen Destructivitet Erich Fromm at his writing desk in Locarno, Switzerland        EUROPEAN CONTROL               OVER TACTICAL NUCLEAR wEAPONSGERMANY JOINS  FRANCE FOR NEW EUROPEAN ARMYEUROPE'S NEW ARMY  Europe must take control over it's own future   Merkel joins Marcron for European ArmyDeep schism between Europe and the United States and NATO cannot be trusted as guardian over tactical nuclear weapons on European soil. Must be controlled by Europe, not by the United States. Глубокий раскол между Европой и Соединенными Штатами и НАТО нельзя доверять в качестве опекуна над тактическим ядерным оружием на европейской земле. Должен контролироваться Европой, а не Соединенными Штатами. 歐洲和美國以及北約之間的深刻分裂不能成為歐洲土地上戰術核武器的守護者。必須由歐洲控制,而不是由美國控制。 Click picture and Playвидео с сенсорным изображением觸摸圖片播放視頻Doktor Angela Merkel Chancellor of Germany  Angela Merkel has said EU leaders should one day consider “a real, true European army” shortly after Donald Trump ramped up a Twitter attack on Emmanuel Macron over the same idea. Speaking to the European parliament in Strasbourg, the German chancellor backed the bold step in European defense policy, as part of a speech extolling the need for EU cooperation in migration, climate change and counter-terrorism. “The times when we could rely on others is past,” she said. To a mix of applause and jeers from Eurosceptic MEPs, she said: “We have to look at the vision of one day creating a real, true European army.” The chancellor said the idea would complement NATO, but gave no details on when the ambitious idea could become reality. Her words echoed those of the French president, who in an interview said Europe needed to better defend itself. President MacronThe Visionary European LeaderMacron, an ardent advocate of closer European integration, said a joint European Union military force was needed to wean Europe off American might, not least after Trump announced he was pulling out of a Cold War-era nuclear treaty.  "We have to protect ourselves with respect to China, Russia and even the United States,"  he told Europe 1 broadcaster, suggesting for the first time that Europe might need to defend itself from America. The French president, who has enacted major defense spending hikes to bring France in line with NATO spending-targets, is spearheading the creation of a nine-country European rapid reaction force, independent from NATO. Belgia, Germany, Italy, Netherland, Luxembourg and France President Macron of France: European Army by 2024 Click picture and PlayNorway’s Factitious Disorder!Picture: A Near fanatic US criticism of the North Vietnamese regime pawed the way for 282.000 dead American soldiers. To criticize other countries as election cheaters and low-life can have dire consequences. (Photo by John Olson)A near fanatic US criticism of the North Vietnamese regime cost the lives of 282.000 American soldiers and 1.353.000 in total. To treat other countries with different point of views than ones own like dirt can have dire consequnces. In 2000 Norway entered Iran with great ambitions and was thrown out three years later. In 2010 Norway gave Nobel Peace Prize to Liu Xiaobo and was kicked out of the Peoples Republic shortly after. In both incidences Norway crawled back using its check book diplomacy. Belarus has a sitting ruler who knows what he wants. Prime Minister Erna Solberg of Norway has been in Vilnius in Lithuania and met with Svetlana Tikhanovskaja opposition leader to President Lukashenko. Norway does not like President Putin either. Leader of the Nation with the largest land mass on Earth. But that does not seem to have any meaning. Norway support the so-called democratic opposition groups in Hong Kong. While fighting for their so-called Democratic “rights” they have managed to turn the once so charming city into a battle zone at the same time suppressing the fact that Hong Kong is in fact the Mother-land.Prime Minister Erna Solberg of Norway  Norway’s position is to like what Washington prefers. And dislike the rest as low-level garbage and election cheaters. Such thinking cost the United States 282.000 casualties, while the total loss from 1955 til 1975 was 1.353.000 deaths. To accuse regimes of being corrupt, cheating or totalitarian can have dire consequences. Prime minister Erna Solberg of Norway sees it otherwise. Under her reign bilateral relations between her country and its neighbor the Russian Federation has soured and is at an all-time low point. B61-12's in an undisclosed storage vault  Following this path, Norway is hell-bent on using thermonuclear precision gravity bomb B61-12 against its Russian neighbor. And what this will lead to will make the staggering amount of US casualties during the Vietnam war look like thin tea! Have a good day. A Manufactured ThreatIran attacked no other country in over 200 years. It threatens none now. It's neighbors know it. So do Washington and Israel.President Ebrahim Risi points the way.  Nonetheless, saber rattling warnings continue. At issue is making an independent state a client one. It's why Washington orchestrated Syria's insurgency and continues anti-Iranian propaganda.  Tehran won't tolerate losing its sovereignty, nor should it. It suffered a generation of repression under Washington's installed Mohammad Reza Shah Pahlavi after the CIA's first ever coup ousted democratically elected Mohammad Mosaddegh. It also knows how America and Israel reign terror throughout the region. As a result, it's prepared to defend itself if attacked. America's business is war, permanent war for unchallenged global dominance. Post-9/11, multiple ones raged and continue. Ordinary people want them stopped. On February 4, dozens of anti-war organizations held a "Day of Mass Action to Stop a US War on Iran." Among others, The World Can't Wait announced it headlining, "NO War! NO sanctions! No intervention! No Assassinations." A press release listed dozens of participating US cities, large and small. Other known countries involved included Canada, Britain, India, Ireland, Turkey, Norway, and Bangladesh. Former US Attorney General Ramsey Clark participated. In 1992, he founded the International Action Center (IAC). Calling itself "anti-capitalist and anti-imperialist," it's committed against wars, racism, economic exploitation, and other forms of injustice. Its web site urged worldwide participation in an "emergency" protest day of action. Thousands across America alone participated. Follow-up actions are planned. People are fed up and want America's war machine stopped. Vital resources are squandered while growing needs go unaddressed. Major media scoundrels misreported about Saturday's pro and anti-government protests in Moscow, but ignored anti-war ones in their own cities and across America. In fact, they cheer lead Washington's wars. For months, their misinformation promotes war, mass killing, vast destruction, and human misery. Their reports exclude these and other key facts. Instead, they feature agitprop and bald-faced lies about a nonbelligerent state, threatening on one, including America and Israel. On February 2, FAIR's Peter Hart headlined, "Iran: This is What Propaganda Looks Like," saying: Like crabgrass infests lawns, it's "everywhere, thanks to a Senate appearance yesterday by Director of National Intelligence James Clapper." Yet his comments fell far short of justifying heightened anti-Iranian propaganda in response. "His main point was that Iran could launch attacks if it felt threatened." He also cited falsified claims that should have been condemned, not repeated as alleged facts. For example, he said: "The 2011 plot to assassinate the Saudi ambassador to the United States shows that some Iran officials - probably including (Ayatollah) Ali Khamenei - have changed their calculus and are now more willing to conduct an attack in the United States in response to real or perceived US  actions that threaten the regime." At the time, CBS News called the report "dire," saying "Iran would likely launch terrorist attacks on US soil as pressure mounts against the regime in Tehran." NBC's Matt Lauer asked if an Israeli "preemptive nuclear strike" was justified in response. Only the Wall Street Journal couldn't stomach the ludicrous charge. Obama officials claimed it was "authorized at the highest levels in Tehran," according to Carnegie Endowment for International Peace" analyst Karim Sadjadpour and many other paid-to-lie commentators, reporters, and opinion writers. In fact, the allegation didn't pass the smell test or others about Iran's alleged nuclear weapons program and wanting to wipe Israel off the map. On February 3, ABC News reported a spurious accusation about potential Iranian strikes in North America, including against Israeli facilities. It cited an Israeli "internal security document," saying:"We predict that the threat on our sites around the world will increase....on both our guarded sites and 'soft' sites." Israel's Consul General for the Mid-Atlantic States Eliran Avitan circulated the allegation. Recently in Tel Aviv, Shin Bet's Yoram Cohen told an audience that Iran plans targeting Israeli sites in retaliation for Mossad's assassinations of its nuclear scientists. All accusations are baseless. Yet ABC TV, other broadcasters, and cable channels featured them to generate anti-Iranian hostility. On January 31, ABC's Diane Sawyer introduced Pentagon correspondent Martha Raddatz's propaganda pieces complete with alarmist graphics and unrelated belligerent video footage, saying: "The saber rattling from Iran has been constant." Tehran "may be more ready than ever to launch terror attacks in the United States." Unrelated images of Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad with Venezuela's Chavez and  Fidel Castro in Cuba were featured, saying these leaders "have little love for the US." Neither do growing millions worldwide, especially throughout the Middle East and Afghanistan where US policies and officials are reviled with good reason. Notably, since Iran's 1979 revolution and US hostage crisis, Washington's been spoiling for a fight. The Carter administration considered invading and seizing its oil fields. Reagan escalated Carter's policies short of committing US forces in combat. Saddam then got US backing. A decade of war followed. America pretended support for both sides, but mostly gave it to Iraq. US/Iranian relations remain tense. Washington's sought regime change for years. Various confrontational tactics include on and off saber rattling, sanctions, direct and covert meddling in Iran's internal affairs, cyber war, subversion, targeted assassinations, other destabilization tactics, and vicious propaganda to incite fear and justice war. Yet major media scoundrels regurgitate it like fact instead of offering readers and viewers truth and full disclosure. On January 31, NBC Nightly News anchor Brian Williams lied to viewers saying: "Iran's threat. Not just the nuclear program. Tonight, US intelligence warns Iran may be prepared to strike on American soil." Referring to Clapper's testimony, he called it a "chilling new assessment about the scope of the threat from Iran." NBC correspondent Andrea Mitchell added: "Experts warn that the US is even more vulnerable than Israel if Iran retaliates or launches a preemptive bomb plot....Soft US targets like embassies throughout the Persian Gulf and 90,000 American troops in Afghanistan, next door to Iran" are vulnerable. "Still, intelligence officials told the Senate today they don't think Iran has taken the final step, deciding to build a bomb. But Israel does think Iran has crossed that red line, and US officials say if attacked, Iran would not hesitate to retaliate against both Israel and the US." In fact, international law permits responding to belligerent attacks in self-defense. It's not only justified, it obl


Consulting, Conceptual Marketing Corporation,  PETROFILM.COM歐洲觀點的分析信息  АНАЛИЗ, ИНФОРМАЦИЯ ИЗ ЕВРОПЕЙСКОЙ ПЕРСПЕКТИВЫANALYSIS INTERPRETATION FROM A EUROPEAN PERSPECTIVEPETROFILM.COM Institute for Empathic Dialogue Creation and Conflict Resolution  Harald Dahle-Sladek Editor-in-Chief Location Oslo, Norway E mail CLICK HERE ORE RESOURCE CENTER BELOWTHE JOHNS HOPKINS UNIVERSITY INTEGRITY EMPATHY RESPECT DIGNITYANALYSIS, INFORMATIONS FROM A EUROPEAN PERSPECTIVE طلاعات تجزیه و تحلیل از یک چشم انداز اروپاییعزت احترام به همدلی یکپارچه سازیتجزیه و تحلیل ، اطلاعات از یک چشم انداز اروپاییINTEGRITEIT EMPATHIE RESPECTEER WAARDIGHEIDANALYSE, INFORMATIE VANUIT EEN EUROPEES PERSPECTIEFINTÉGRITÉ EMPATHIE RESPECT DIGNITÉANALYSE, INFORMATIONS D'UNE PERSPECTIVE EUROPÉENNE INTEGRIDAD EMPATÍA RESPETO DIGNIDADANÁLISIS, INFORMACIONES CON PERSPECTIVA DE EUROPAЦЕЛОСТНОСТЬ СОБСТВЕННОСТЬ УВАЖЕНИЕ ДОСТОИНСТВА АНАЛИЗ ИНФОРМАЦИИ С ПЕРСПЕКТИВЫ ИЗ ЕВРОПЫ 誠信尊重尊嚴  分析,來自歐洲的信息 Welcome!Herzlich willkommen! Bienvenido! добро пожаловать!  ようこそ!  Bienvenue!  歡迎   أهلا بك   The Grand European Plain It stretches from the Pyrenees Mountains and the French coast of the  Bay of Biscay  in the West to the Russian Ural Mountains in the East.EUROPE ЕВРОПА603.8 Million people - 603,8 миллиона человек - 6.038億人 歐洲  اروپا CLICK MAP PLAY EUROPEAN ANTHEMCLICK FLAG PLAY EUROPEAN UNIONThe European Union: 445 MillionCLICK EFTA LOGO FOR VIDEOThe European Free Trade Association EFTA: 13.6 MillionCLICK FLAG FOR RUSSIA BELARUSThe Russian Federation West of Ural: 101.6 Million CLICK FLAG FOR BREXIT VIDEOThe United Kingdom: 66.6  MillionOslo, November 2021Ноябрь 2021 г.   2021 年 11 月  نوامبر 2021 UN Article 19, EU Charter Article 11 Freedom of Expression Everyone has the right to Freedom of Expression. This right shall include freedom to hold opinions and to receive and impart information and ideas without interference by public authority and regardless of frontiers. UN Article 23 Right to Work Everyone has the right to work, to free choice of employment, to just and favourable conditions of work and to protection against unemployment. Everyone, without any discrimination, has the right to equal pay for equal work. UN Article 21 Non-DiscriminationAny discrimination based on sex, race, color, ethnic or social origin, genetic traits, language, religion or belief, political or other opinion, membership of a national minority, property, birth, disability, age or sexual orientation shall be prohibited.Nuremberg Principles VI: Crimes against Humanity.Murder, extermination, enslavement, deportation and other inhumane acts done against any civilian population, or persecutions on political, racial, or religious grounds, when such acts are done, or such persecutions are carried on in execution of or in connection with any crime against peace or any war crime.  EUROPEPETROFILM.COMEMPATHY  RESPECT  DIGNITYEUROPE  ЕВРОПАHelmut KohlCHANCELLOR OF GERMANY'S UNITY AND THE EURO  Click picture Play videoHelmut Kohl was the Chancellor who voted for the Euro, created dialogue and common ground with Russa and united Germany together with Mikhail Gorbachev. Kohl was a German statesman who served as Chancellor of Germany from 1982 to 1998 and as the chairman of the Christian Democratic Union from 1973 to 1998. From 1969 to 1976, Kohl was minister president of the state Rhineland-Palatinate. Kohl chaired the Group of Seven in 1985 and again in 1992. ANALYSIS INTERPRETATION FROM A EUROPEAN PERSPECTIVEPETROFILM.COMInstitute for Empathic Dialogue Creation and Conflict ResolutionHarald Dahle-SladekFounder and Editor-in-chiefОснователь и главный редакторبنیانگذار و مدیرمسئول總編輯 創 Warning Lamps are Flashing!And now, warnings lamps are flashing, as  nuclear powered nations seek to preserve an imagined threshold over an even more imaginary  enemy.  The collapse of Western logic in Afghanistan is the fuse which can bury Human Dignity. DEFENDING OUR FREEDOM?Lockheed Martin F-22 Raptor is a fifth-generation, single-seat, twin-engine, all-weather stealth tactical fighter aircraft developed for the United States Air Force REINFORCING DETERRENCE  ON NATO'S EASTERN FLANK Hello friends! The US think-tank RAND with close ties to the military, just completed a very important study with regards to NATO allies defence of the Baltic states Estonia and Latvia. And the result is pretty darn gloomy reading. For my own part I will also ad Norway. NATO today is not able to defend it's most vulnerable states! Please read the report yourself and make up your own opinion. We must fight ISIS and terrorism in all it's uglyness. Keep your eyes and ears wide open and repport anything suspicious. Cheers! FASCISM IN AMERICAKarl Jaspers:"That which has happened is a Warning!""To forget it is guilt. It must be continually remembered. It was possible for this to happen. And it remains possible for it to happen again at any minute. Only in knowledge can it be prevented." Karl Theodor Jaspers German, Born 23 February 1883, passed away on  26 February 1969, was a German-Swiss psychiatrist and philo-sopher who had a strong influence on modern theology psychiatry, and philosophy. After being trained in and practicing psychiatry, Jaspers turned to philosophical inquiry and attempted to discover an innovative philosophical system. He was often viewed as a major exponent of existentialism in Germany, though he did not accept the label.LIFEMonuments Carved in Granite on Barren FieldsWhen one talks about Life, it is pertinent to ask, what life does one mean? The entire life, or just selected parts of it? The parts that we like and prefer and leave the rest not to be mentioned? The people who will walk a mile with me, but say “no thank you” to carry my burden and walk another mile? The ones who never invited me for a cup of tea, but proclaim seriously that I am a “friend”? The ones who admire their own achievements highly, but never had time to visit me once. What life are they adhering to? The one in parts, or the one in totality?A warning sign for our time. I want to be seen in totality; I do not want that my life be selectively butchered and twisted into something it is not. My articles are monuments in stone in a barren landscape devoid of humanism. They are there to warn and to encourage, but not to be neglected. In today’s vain world, where it has become so increasingly popular to talk IN a mobile phone, instead of empathizing WITH and showing human DIGNITY; where one is accustomed to appreciating media hype, political lies, lack  of responsibilities leading to mass starvation and mass death; in such a world and coldness between people, the abnormal has become the trend, and sadly this is what we adhere to. In such an inter human setting, the message is clear, why bother to respect the other person right in front of ourselves. It is so much easier to babble because the spoken word carries no longer any commitment, it is free, it does not cost anything to say this or the other. Life is easy when one is free not to engage in another person’s life-and-death experiences, when it is so much more convenient to look at a movie. People who ignore monuments carved out in granite on barren fields are confirming themselves to the believes of death and destruction. We who write and warn have the humanistic right to say this. It is our task in life. Not to be kind to death and destruction, but to admire and encourage Life. We expect the same from others as we expect from ourselves. And if the other fail, we must go forward alone, and warn. That is our destiny.2021 IN RETROSPECT: THE YEAR THE UNITED STATES DISGRACEFULLY LEFT AFGHANISTANDeputy Foreign Minister for Economic Affairs, Governor of the Central Bank, Ambassador to Tokyo and Ottawa interviewed by PETROFILMHis Excellency Seyed Mohammad Hossein Adeli PhD. Foreign Ministry Tehran: From the left His Excellency Seyed Mohammad Hossein Adeli PhD. To his left is the Editor-in-chief Harald Dahle from Oslo.THE OPERATIONS OF THE UNITED STATESIN AFGHANISTAN  ALSO CAME AS THE ACTIVE SUPPORT FROM IRAN A GOLDEN OPPORTUNITYfor Washington to better its relations with Teheranwent out of the window!  CLICK PICTURE PLAY VIDEODr. Adeli explains Iran's view regarding Afghanistand and the U.S.Dr. Adeli: "Great disappointment!" This interview was conducted in Dr. Hussein Adeli's office in the Foreign Ministry in Tehran. It was the first of two meetings that Harald Dahle had with Dr. Adeli. The first was in April 2002, and the second meeting was held in May 2003. During the interview made in April of 2002  it became quite clear to the Editor-in-Chief, that the rejection of the United Sates to appreciate what Iran had done for the country in Afghanistan, neither did not sit well with the upper echelon of the Islamic Republic of Iran, nor was it well received by the Deputy Foreign Minister for Economic Affairs. This would have been a Golden Opportunity for the United States to better the relations with Iran, but in wain. Washington was not ready to hand Tehran a firm handshake. Dahle: -Tehran has sent an invitation to Washington for a meeting and better the relations between the two sides. I understand that the United States has rejected this initiative. How do you view the current relations with the U.S. after this disappointment? Adeli: -Well, actually our relations with the West in general has improved a lot during the last, may be four, five years. Dahle: -Yes.  Adeli: -Specially with the policies that have been followed by President Khatami, Dialogue among Civilization, the Rule of Law, the Principles of Civil Society, the elimination of tensions between Iran or other countries, the elimination of misunderstanding. All of these policies have been seriously followed by Iran in its Foreign Policy and has contributed to the relations with all countries except the United States. And with the West in general we have been able to exchange delegations on the level of Foreign Minister and head of Governments. Dahle: -Aren't the operations of the United States in Afghanistan very much based on the early assistance from Iran? Adeli: -But with the United States, it is unfortunately to see, that even developments in Afghanistan, which owes a lot to understanding and effective assistance from Iran, has not, I believe, been able to penetrate into the hearts or the minds of decision makers in the United States.  Dahle: -Without the help from Iran in Afghanistan, you say that the United States would not have been where they are now? Adeli: -I think that there is no doubt, even in the American eyes, that what we now see in the situation in Afghanistan owes a lot to Iranian assistance, Iranian understanding. The military success of the United States owes a lot to understanding and appreciation from Iran, and also the political process in Afghanistan owes the same thing.   Adeli: -And may be that was a very unique opportunity for the United Sates to reciprocate these kinds of understanding, and to seize and stop those kinds of policies that are pursued by them, in the past couple of decades. But apparently there is still not a very strong sign from that side.  Dahle: -Iran has friendly relations with many countries in the world, so why not also with the United States? Adeli: -Off course, the general policy of Iran is to have friendly relations with every country in the world, including the United States, provided that this kind of relationship would be based on an equal footing, on a mutual beneficial sort of relationship. So, this is why I think that, as the policies of the United States, which are normally a unilateral policy, we hope that one time they would join the other countries of the West and developing countries, and would join that kind of under-standing of Iran. That the developments in the region would open their eyes, and that they would adopt a new policy towards our country! Dahle: -Thank you Dr. Adeli. EUROPE’S SECOND WAVE OF GENOCIDEMADE POSSIBLE BY INCOMPETENT TOTALITARIANISM WRAPPED IN QUASI-HUMANISTIC HYPEThe European COVID-19 vaccine drama reflects an authoritarian acceptance of genocide on a grander scale en par with the extermi-nation of the Jews. There are disturbing common traits in both incidences. Exterminations of the Jews could have been and should have been terminated, but it wasn’t because it served a political purpose. The ongoing pandemic could have and should have been terminated in Europe by now, but it is still an ongoing phenomenon because it serves an EU-political overriding purpose, to establish an authoritarian presence. In both cases, the leadership of Europe were morally, ethically, judicially, financially, and medically incapable of solving life threatening, urgent problems.  The present leadership of the German Republic, with Angela Merkel, has been replicating 1943, although with democratic coating. But the results are the same, dead Covid-19 people are queuing up for the incinerators working on full capacity. This is Europe’s second wave of genocide wrapped in quasi-humanistic hype giving the impression of caring. To deny people of Europe vaccine, as is the case with Sputnik V, is to prioritize death for life. Europe is once again the continent of death blessed by incompetent totalitarianism. A coffin of a person who passed away due to coronavirus disease (COVID-19) is burned in the Meissen crematory amid the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) pandemic in Meissen, Germany, December 23, 2020. MEISSEN, Germany — A German crematorium in the eastern state of Saxony, which has been hit hard by the second wave of the coronavirus pandemic, is struggling to keep up with the number of people who have died from COVID-19 just before Christmas. “We are currently working 24 hours a day, from Monday to Sunday, without a break,” said Meissen crematorium manager Joerg Schaldach. “We will of course have to keep on cremating and now the holidays are around the corner,” he said, adding special procedures were required for people who died from COVID-19. “The coffins are sealed, the deceased are wrapped in accident-like bags, so there is barely any possibility of having contact with the virus,” said Schaldach. The eastern German state of Saxony has reported the highest number of deaths per capita in Germany over the course of the pandemic, with around 57 in 100,000 people there having died. Schaldach also said the crematorium at Meissen had space to store the bodies of the deceased. He hopes he will not have to use a building that has been arranged for emergencies and which could hold up to 2,000 bodies. Germany reported a new coronavirus daily death toll high of 962 on Wednesday, bringing the total death toll to 27,968. The number of confirmed coronavirus cases jumped by 24,740 to 1,554,920, RKI data showed on Wednesday. A Forsa poll showed on Wednesday that whereas the majority of Germans stick to coronavirus hygiene rules, most male supporters of the far-right Alternative for Germany (AfD) in eastern German states do not wear face masks when social distancing is not possible. Saxony is a stronghold for the AfD. Europe's EU Covid-19 Crime Against HumanityEU'S VON DER LEYEN WITH OTHERS MUST STAND TRIAL AT THE INTERNATIONAL CRIMINAL COURT ICCUrsula Von der Leyen: The European Commission's disaster President #1 Rejecting SPUTNIK V to the European population is a serious Criminal offence. High-level crime of the century disguises Europe's catastrophic vaccine shortage for what it is: A politically correct genocide. This is politically accepted genocide under the disguise and excuse of a criminal bureaucracy, in Norway as well as in the EU countries in line with the politically correct extermination of the Jews. The politicians have taken the entire European population for a rollercoaster ride which ends in the incinerators.  This is not about pressing "red buttons". This is politically accepted genocide under the guise and excuses of a criminal bureaucracy, in Norway as well as in the EU. In line with the extermination of the Jews. We are far past "pushing red buttons". Back then, in 1943, it was politically correct to push the Jews into the incinerators in Poland today it is politically correct to push people into incinerators from Bergamo to Oslo. The Rome Statute OFthe International Criminal Court ICC Article 25 Individual criminal responsibilityThe Court has jurisdiction over natural persons. A person who commits a crime within the jurisdiction of the Court is individually responsible and liable for punishment in accordance with the Rome Statute. 1 In accordance with the Rome Statute, a person shall be criminally responsible and liable for punishment for a crime within the jurisdiction of the Court if that person: Commits such a crime, whether as an individual, jointly with another or through another person, regardless of whether that other person is criminally responsible; 2 Orders, solicits or induces the commission of such a crime which in fact occurs or is attempted; For the purpose of facilitating the commission of such a crime, aids, abets or otherwise assists in its commission or its attempted commission, including providing the means for its commission; 3 In any other way contributes to the commission or attempted commission of such a crime by a group of persons acting with a common purpose. 4 In respect of the crime of genocide, directly and publicly incites others to commit genocide; Attempts to commit such a crime by taking action that commences its execution by means of a substantial step, but the crime does not occur because of circumstances independent of the person's intentions.U.S. SPACE FENCELockheed Martin, AMEC Foster Wheeler, General Dynamics, SATCOM, Northrop GrummanVardo Globus III and Cobra Dane tracks ICBM's from Plesetsk to Kura Globus 3 Vardo NorwayEglin AFB Click picture and PlayHarris Corporation - AN/FPS-85 Radar Cover Replacement Time Lapse, Eglin Air Force Base  INSTANT RESPONSE RADARS   Globus III, Eglin FPS-85, Cobra Dane, Kwajalein Altair and  Millstone Hill, are just five of the most valuable sensors today. RussiaPLESETSK COSMODROMEPlesetsk is used especially for military satellites placed into high inclination and polar orbits since the range for falling debris is clear to the north which is largely uninhabited Arctic and polar terrain. It is situated in a region of taiga, or flat terrain with boreal pine forests.Coat of Arms ArchangelskOn October 26, 2017 Russia conducted its annual strategic forces exercise. The exercise involved a launch of a Topol/SS-25 ICBM from Plesetsk. The warhead is said to successfully reach its target at Kura.             BALLISTIC MISSILE LAUNCH               from Plesetsk in Arkhangelsk region Photo: Russian Ministry of Defense CLIC PICTURE AND PLAYThe exercise involved a launch of a Topol/SS-25 ICBM from Plesetsk. The warhead is said to successfully reach its target at Kura. Below Plesets Cosmodrome.Coat of Arms Palana KamchatkaGreater Coat of Arms of Alaska COBRA DANE, SHEMYA ISLANDClick and PlayThe Cobra Dane Phased Array Radar on Shemya Island Shemya Island about 2,414 kilometers from Anchorage, Alaska, and is part of the Near Islands group at the tip of the Aleutian Island chain. Shemya Island occupies approximately 1,425 hectares and is part of the Alaska Maritime National Wildlife Refuge administered by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and is operated by the U.S. Air Force. A person who worked there says, "I did my overseas deployment on Shemya from January 1963 to January 1964. It was a very unusual place. It is the only place I have ever heard of where one can experience heavy fog, tremendous winds, and snow, sleet, or rain all at once. We once endured a storm where the wind speed was measured at 105 mph when the anemometer blew away."  He continues with his story,"The work we did was fascinating. I would not have traded my experience there for anything, although I did not appreciate it nearly as much then as I do now. The Army, Air Force, and Navy people working on Shemya can be justifiably proud of what they contributed to our winning the Cold War." Electrical equipment in the subarray face of the Cobra Dane radar systemThe computer room for the Cobra Dane radar system during the Cold war. Shemya Island has been developed by the military and continues to operate as an Intelligence Radar site whose principal purpose involves monitoring space and missile activities. The base is under control of the Eareckson Air Station Program Management Office, part of the 611th Air Support Group at Elmendorf Air Force Base Alalska. Eareckson Air Station is an isolated self contained military installation, and it has no surrounding communities.  DEFENDING OUR FREEDOMCOBRA DANE RADAR COVERAGEEareckson Air Station, Shemya IslandCobra Dane Phased Array Radar on Eareckson Air Station Shemya Island Eareckson Air Station is a United States Air Force military airport located on the island of Shemya, in the Alaskan Aleutian Islands. Established in May of 1943 as a forward operating base for longrange bomber aircraft of the US Army Air Force to conduct bombing missions on Japanese positions in the Kurile Islands, the base was heavily utilized until war's end, with the present-day runway being added to the airfield to support the operations a planned squadron of B-29 Superfortresses flying missions ag-ainst mainland Japan as part of Operation Downfall.  "From its establishment in early 2002 through the end of 2010, the Missile Defense Agency is fielding a Ballistic Missile Defense System consisting of 30 Ground-Based Interceptors for long-range homeland defense. Aegis warships capable of long-range surveillance and tracking and missile intercepts. Standard Missile-3 interceptors for Aegis Ballistic Missile Defense warships. Upgraded Cobra Dane radar in the Aleutian Islands." Upgraded early warning radars, currently Beale Air Force Base, Calif., Fylingdales, U.K., and Thule, Greenland. 11 transportable X-band radars for operations and testing. Sea-based X-band radar now located in the Pacific Ocean to support flight testing and actual defensive operations. Integrated Command, Control, Battle Management, and Communications element across the BMDS.COBRA DANEThe certain principal use of this X-band radar, along with a second one for Eareckson Air Station on Shemya Island, some 2414Km southwest of Anchorage, will be to collect detailed intelligence data on Russia¹s long range ballistic missiles. This data will cover the entire trajectory of the missiles, and will be of primal value to a U.S. NMD system. THE COBRA DANE PHASED ARRAY RADAR ON SHEMYA ISLANDThe 21st Operations Group was reactivated on 15 May 1992 as a component of the redesignated and reactivated 21st Space Wing, providing command management of Air Force Space Command's worldwide network of assigned missile warning, space surveillance, and communications units.The 21st Operations Group assumed the Cobra Dane Radar mission at Eareckson Air Station, Shemya Island, Alaska, April 1. Eareckson AS is located on the western tip of Alaska's Aleutian islands. The radar has the ability to detect objects about 2,000 miles away, and provides data for the Space Surveillance Network and the Ballistic Missile Defense System. Cobra Dane will continue to be operated by a contract workforce, and no military personnel will be assigned to the unit at Eareckson Air Station. Cobra Dane security patrolBuchel AFB GermanyThe people who brought us complete shame in Afghanistan are the very same people who now have control over the keys to the depots in Europe that store B61-12 thermo nuclear gravity bombs, like the Buchel Nuclear ABF Germany, pictured below.AFRIKAANSNuke -ooreenkoms tussen Noorweë en die VSA ontbind. Nuwe linkse regering beskou die gravitasiebom B61-12 as teenproduktief.Die verkiesing in Noorweë in September het gelei tot 'n regerings-wisseling, met Jonas Gahr Støre van die Arbeidersparty as premier. Gahr Støre is bekend by die voorstanders van kernontwapening, omdat hy as minister van buitelandse sake van Noorweë die "humanitêre inisiatief" -proses ondersteun het wat gelei het tot die onderhandelinge van die TPNW.Соглашение о ядерной бомбе между Норвегией и США будет разорвано. Новое левое правительство считает, что гравитационная бомба B61-12 контрпродуктивна.Сентябрьские выборы в Норвегии привели к смене правительства, и премьер-министром был избран Йонас Гар Стёре из Лейбористской партии. Гар Стёре хорошо известен сторонникам ядерного разоружения, поскольку он поддерживал в качестве министра иностранных дел Норвегии процесс «гуманитарных инициатив», который привел к переговорам по ТПЯО.  挪威和美國之間的核協議將被廢除。新左翼政府認為 B61-12 重力炸彈適得其反。挪威 9 月的選舉導致政府更迭,工黨的 Jonas Gahr Støre 當選為首相。 Gahr Støre 以核裁軍倡導者而聞名,作為挪威外交部長,他支持導致 TPNW 談判的“人道主義倡議”進程。NORWAY-US RELATIONSNuke Agreement between Norway and the US to be dismantled. New left wing Government sees B61-12 gravity bomb as counterproductive.Norway’s elections in September led to a change of government, with Jonas Gahr Støre of the Labor Party elected as Prime Minister. Gahr Støre is well known to advocates of nuclear disarmament, having been supportive as foreign minister of Norway of the “humanitarian initiative” process which led to the negotiations of the TPNW. “That Norway as the first NATO country confirms that it will participate as an observer at the nuclear weapons ban treaty’s first meeting of states parties sends an important signal to our allies that nuclear weapons are unacceptable,” says Tuva Widskjold, coordinator for ICAN Partrner Norway. The Chairwoman of the Nobel Committee was not informed.Chairwoman of the Nobel Committee Mrs. Berit Reiss-Andersen holds up pictures of the Nobel Peace recipients of 2021, journalist Maria Ressa of the Philippines and Dmitry Muratov from Russia not knowing that the Nobel Institute which houses the Nobel Committee has conspired with the secret police of Norway to shut down Norwegian Journalist Harald Dahle inside in the library and reading room of the Nobel Institute for more than thirty years.Berit Reiss-Andersen (born 11 July 1954) is a Norwegian lawyer, author and former politician for the Norwegian Labour Party. She is chairman of the Norwegian Nobel Committee, the 5-member committee that awards the Nobel Peace Prize. She is also a board member of the Nobel Foundation, which has the overall responsibility for all the five Nobel Prizes. She served as state secretary for the Minister of Justice and Police from 1996 to 1997 and as President of the Norwegian Bar Association from 2008 to 2012. She has co-authored two crime novels with former Minister of Justice Anne Holt. She is currently a partner at DLA Piper's Oslo office.  The Collapse of a Nobel idea!Mr. Olav Njølstad, the Director of the Nobel Peace Institute in Oslo took hist cues from the secret Police and conspired to get rid of Norwegian journalist Harald Dahle.Behind the curtain of the Norwegian State and peace promoting work by the Nobel Peace Institute in Oslo is now unfolding a drama hidden from the International press. Director Olav Njølstad of the Nobel Peace Institute, which is the seat for the Nobel Prize Committee, received his instructions from the secret Police to get rid of journalist Harald Dahle as did his entire Nobel staff. Over the past thirty years and longer there has been massive harassment by plain cloth police on the premises of the Nobel Institute and particularly at the library reading room where Mr. Dahle worked and wrote. Behind the gloss from Nobel's intention of peace and tolerance between the peoples hides a monstrous lie without bottom, perfectly staged by a State run deception which is exempt from openness and responsibility. A Director for Peace that conspires with the Police and harass an experienced journalist should take his hat and go. He followed order from the same fascist Police who harassed the Norwegian Jews and sent them to the gas chambers i Poland, so much for dignity!Journalist Harald Dahle has taken the Ministry of Justice to the European Court of Human Rights in Strasbourg for harassment over thirty years. This is freedom of the Press in Norway.Peace loving Olav Njølstad took his cues from the Police. HUMAN RIGHTS  UN Article 19, EU Charter Article 11 Freedom of Expression Everyone has the right to Freedom of Expression. This right shall include freedom to hold opinions and to receive and impart information and ideas without interference by public authority and regardless of frontiers. UN Article 23 Right to Work Everyone has the right to work, to free choice of employment, to just and favourable conditions of work and to protection against unemployment. Everyone, without any discrimination, has the right to equal pay for equal work. UN Article 21 Non-DiscriminationAny discrimination based on sex, race, color, ethnic or social origin, genetic traits, language, religion or belief, political or other opinion, membership of a national minority, property, birth, disability, age or sexual orientation shall be prohibited. OsloNORWAY'S NOBEL HYPOCRICYThe Nobel Peace Institute in Oslo. The Norwegian Parliament appoints all members to the Norwegian Nobel Committee  Staged by State directed Deception Exempt from Transparency and Responsibility.The biggest of All  Hypocrisies is the Lie.Norway has awarded the Nobel Peace Prize for 2021 to the Philippine journalist Maria Ressa who criticizes President Rodrigo Duterte and his government and the Russian journalist Dmitry Muratov who criticizes Vladimir Putin's government, while the same country harasses the Norwegian journalist Harald Dahle for his writing, publishing and statements . Forty years of harassment by the Norwegian Justice Service by journalist Dahle with a deadly threat of death, denial of all work in the kingdom, harassment of hospitalization, extreme social dumping, harassment in churches and monasteries does not prevent Peace Prize Norway from presenting the biggest of all hypocrisy, the lie itself! The Norwegian judiciary is corrupt and is at the same low level as the judiciary, the police and the surveillance in the former German, democratic republic of the GDR. It touches on President Augusto Pinochet's right-wing radical terrorist junta in the nineteen seventies, and gives associations to Operation Condor; the Cold War conspiracy that terrorized South America in the seventies and eighties. And in Norway: the brutal police murder in Sarpsborg this year of the young Bosnian-Swedish man carried out with a submachine gun and handgun helps to confirm the impression of lawlessness and terror from South America. Harald Dahle: - The Nobel Institute in Oslo and the secret police worked together to harass me. Because I write well and have a sharp pen. One day when I was going to the reading room to work, two nicely dressed men and a woman blocked the way for me up the stairs. Director at the Nobel Institute, Olav Njølstad did not like that I was there, and the staff was very unpleasant to me. After much preparation, I now take the Ministry of Justice to the European Court of Human Rights in Strasbourg. And so little Norway - far up on the map - behind the gloss from the Nobel's intention of peace and tolerance between the peoples, then hides a monstrous lie without bottom. Perfectly staged by a state-run deception that is exempt from openness and responsibility, a Nobel committee that criticizes other countries' political climate instead of looking into their own country first. Garbage is a qualified word that fits the Nobel Prize award of 2021. 由國家控制的欺騙上演,除了開放性和責任感。  最大的虛偽是謊言。挪威將 2021 年諾貝爾和平獎授予批評羅德里戈·杜特爾特總統及其政府的菲律賓記者瑪麗亞·雷薩和批評弗拉基米爾·普京政府的俄羅斯記者德米特里·穆拉托夫,而同一個國家則騷擾挪威記者哈拉爾德·達勒的寫作、出版和聲明。 記者 Dahle 以死亡威脅、拒絕在王國的所有工作、住院騷擾、極端社會傾銷、教堂和修道院中的騷擾等方式對挪威司法局進行了四十年的騷擾,但這並不能阻止挪威和平獎表現出最大的虛偽,謊言本身! 挪威司法機構腐敗,與前東德民主共和國的司法機構、警察和監視機構處於同一低水平。它涉及 19 世紀 70 年代奧古斯托·皮諾切特總統的右翼激進恐怖主義軍政府,並與禿鷹行動有關聯;七八十年代恐嚇南美洲的冷戰陰謀。在挪威:今年在薩爾普斯堡用衝鋒槍和手槍對這位年輕的波斯尼亞-瑞典男子進行殘酷的警察謀殺有助於證實南美洲無法無天和恐怖的印象。 Harald Dahle: - 奧斯陸諾貝爾研究所和秘密警察聯手騷擾我。因為我寫得好,筆鋒利。一天,我去閱覽室上班,兩個衣著光鮮的男人和一個女人擋住了我上樓梯的路。諾貝爾研究所所長 Olav Njølstad 不喜歡我在那裡,工作人員對我很不愉快。經過大量準備,我現在將司法部帶到斯特拉斯堡的歐洲人權法院。 如此小的挪威——在地圖上遙遙領先——在諾貝爾和平與寬容的意圖背後,隱藏著一個沒有底的可怕謊言。完全由一個免於公開和責任的國營騙局,一個批評別國政治氣候而不是首先審視自己國家的諾貝爾委員會完美上演。 垃圾,是一個符合2021年諾貝爾獎的合格詞。 諾貝爾理念的崩潰奧斯陸諾貝爾和平研究所所長 Olav Njølstad 先生從秘密警察那裡得到線索,密謀除掉挪威記者 Harald Dahle。   在奧斯陸諾貝爾和平研究所的挪威國家與促進和平工作的幕後,現在正在上演一出隱藏在國際媒體之外的戲劇。作為諾貝爾獎委員會所在地的諾貝爾和平研究所所長奧拉夫·恩約爾斯塔德(Olav Njølstad)接到了秘密警察的指示,要趕走記者哈拉爾德·達勒(Harald Dahle),就像他的整個諾貝爾工作人員一樣。在過去的三十多年裡,便衣警察在諾貝爾研究所的場所,特別是在 Dahle 先生工作和寫作的圖書館閱覽室裡,發生了大規模的騷擾。 諾貝爾希望各國人民之間和平與寬容的意圖的光彩背後隱藏著一個無底的可怕謊言,完美地由國家欺騙,免於公開和責任。一名與警察共謀並騷擾經驗豐富的記者的和平署署長應該戴上帽子走人。他聽從了騷擾挪威猶太人並將他們送到波蘭毒氣室的同一個法西斯警察的命令,這是為了尊嚴!三十多年來,記者 Harald Dahle 已將司法部告上斯特拉斯堡的歐洲人權法院。這就是挪威的新聞自由。CHINAThere is only one MotherlandThe Western reasoning does not understand the ancient Chinese reasoning revealing  an intellectual clash of opposite cultures. The island of Taiwan is part of the Chinese territory and shall be returned. Imperial China must be respected, and war is not an option.   祖國祇有一個, 台灣是其中的一部分。西方的推理不理解中國古代的推理,揭示了對立文化的智力衝突。台灣島是中國領土的一部分,應當歸還。中華帝國必須得到尊重,戰爭不是一種選擇。 移情,尊重,尊嚴  我們必須與中華人民共和國建立對話和共同點。   中國絕不能孤立。那會導致戰爭!香港 中國的法律權利親愛的朋友和讀者們。 治安是中國的基石。 祖國擁有在其自己的領土後院香港實施法律和秩序的合法權利。 無需徵得任何其他國家的許可。 在西方,這既不是很好理解也不是很受歡迎。 西方天真的從“民主”和“權利”的角度講是政治上的壓迫,是宣傳。 香港是祖國; 只有一個。 美國在製裁世界“每個其他”國家之前,應照顧好自己的人權和黑人公民問題。 祝你有美好的一天,乾杯  由國家控制的欺騙上演,除了開放性和責任感。   最大的虛偽是謊言。挪威將 2021 年諾貝爾和平獎授予批評羅德里戈·杜特爾特總統及其政府的菲律賓記者瑪麗亞·雷薩和批評弗拉基米爾·普京政府的俄羅斯記者德米特里·穆拉托夫,而同一個國家則騷擾挪威記者哈拉爾德·達勒的寫作、出版和聲明。 記者 Dahle 以死亡威脅、拒絕在王國的所有工作、住院騷擾、極端社會傾銷、教堂和修道院中的騷擾等方式對挪威司法局進行了四十年的騷擾,但這並不能阻止挪威和平獎表現出最大的虛偽,謊言本身! 挪威司法機構腐敗,與前東德民主共和國的司法機構、警察和監視機構處於同一低水平。它涉及 19 世紀 70 年代奧古斯托·皮諾切特總統的右翼激進恐怖主義軍政府,並與禿鷹行動有關聯;七八十年代恐嚇南美洲的冷戰陰謀。在挪威:今年在薩爾普斯堡用衝鋒槍和手槍對這位年輕的波斯尼亞-瑞典男子進行殘酷的警察謀殺有助於證實南美洲無法無天和恐怖的印象。 Harald Dahle: - 奧斯陸諾貝爾研究所和秘密警察聯手騷擾我。因為我寫得好,筆鋒利。一天,我去閱覽室上班,兩個衣著光鮮的男人和一個女人擋住了我上樓梯的路。諾貝爾研究所所長 Olav Njølstad 不喜歡我在那裡,工作人員對我很不愉快。經過大量準備,我現在將司法部帶到斯特拉斯堡的歐洲人權法院。 如此小的挪威——在地圖上遙遙領先——在諾貝爾和平與寬容的意圖背後,隱藏著一個沒有底的可怕謊言。完全由一個免於公開和責任的國營騙局,一個批評別國政治氣候而不是首先審視自己國家的諾貝爾委員會完美上演。 垃圾,是一個符合2021年諾貝爾獎的合格詞。 是時候思考了。在貧瘠的土地上用花崗岩雕刻而成的紀念碑。 當人們談論生命時,應該問生命意味著什麼?整個生命或只是它的一部分?我們喜歡的部分和我們喜歡的部分,剩下的更不用說了? 和我一起走一英里卻說不感謝的人背著我的重擔再走一英里?那些從來沒有請過我喝茶的人,卻鄭重聲明我是“朋友”?那些真的很佩服自己的成就,卻連一次都沒有時間來看我的人?他們過著怎樣的生活?是部分還是整體?我們這個時代的警告標誌。我想被完整地看到;我不希望我的生活被有選擇地切割和扭曲成不存在的東西。我的文章是荒蕪的荒地上的石碑,沒有人文主義。它們旨在警告和鼓勵,但不應被忽視。在當今虛榮的世界裡,越來越流行用手機說話,而不是同情和展示人的尊嚴;一個人習慣於欣賞媒體的炒作、政治謊言、缺乏責任感,導致大規模飢餓和大規模死亡。 ;在這樣一個人與人之間冷冰冰的世界裡,變態已經成為一種趨勢,而不幸的是,我們堅持了這一點。 在這樣一個人際交往的環境中,信息很清楚為什麼要尊重你面前的另一個人。胡言亂語容易多了,因為口語不再帶有任何義務,它是自由的,說這個或那個不值得。 . 看電影。 忽視在貧瘠土地上用花崗岩雕刻的紀念碑的人們重申了他們對死亡和破壞的信念。我們,作家和警告者,有人道主義權利這​​樣說。這是我們生活中的任務。不要善待死亡和破壞。但欽佩和鼓勵生活。我們對他人的期望與對自己的期望相同。如果“另一個”失敗了,我們必須獨自前進並發出警告。這是我們的宿命。 因此,當普京警告:“不要越過紅線”時,他警告我們要注意在貧瘠的土地上用花崗岩雕刻的紀念碑。是不是該停下來,傾聽和思考?NORWAYСтратегический бомбардировщик "Морской удар": готов к работе: Ту-22М3МStrategic Bomber Maritime Strike: Ready to go: Tu-22M3M戰略轟炸機海上打擊:準備就緒:Tu-22M3MWorld War III Starts Here The Hottest Place on Planet Earthis not North Korea, Iran, and Taiwan, but this Radar Installation already targeted for destruction by the Russian Air Force. The total obliviating of Globus II and Globus III "Space Fence" Radar installations on the tiny Vardø Island at the very tip of Northern Norway will be the first sign of a rapidly progressing World War III  Tu-22M3Backfire bomber: Close encounters with the Globus III installation U.S. Space Fence on Vardo Island, Northern Norway  We welcome U.S. Space Fence in Norway, but will it be to the best of the population who will be caught in the middle? GLOBUS 3 on Vardo Island will be one of the very first targets in a potential new conflict with Russia. Artwork by Petrofilm.The Norwegian leadership lives in the delusion that a unilateral bond with the US will save the country. The permit for the use of thermonuclear bombs of type B61-12 from Norwegian soil, owned and operated by the Americans, will be a guarantee for Norway, the management believes. Yes, it is a guarantee, but for the collective downfall of the Norwegian people. Norway has around 5.3 million inhabitants in an area swelled in from Oslo to Rome. Only half of Norway's population is strong enough to take the first hours of the war. The rest of the population is elderly, sick, children, pregnant, in prisons and in miserable form. Norway is a peacetime territory, but it is almost impossible to go to war. To that the country is too far, too cumbersome and too sparsely populated, and with a defense that is as good as defeated already. NATO started as a defense alliance but has become an attack alliance that has called in Russia and sees the country as its greatest enemy. Norway has hung on and gone from being a friendly neighbor to Russia, to becoming an offensive and provocative neighbor. This does not worry today's management in Norway. But it should, because Norway's ability to save its population lies in a good relationship with the neighbor in the eastValery Gerasimov Valery Grasimov, head of Russia's General Staff, said that Moscow would increase the capabilities of its ground-based strategic nuclear arms. "One of the main destructive factors complicating the international situation is how the US is acting as it attempts to retain its dominant role in the world," he said in comments released by the defense ministry. "It is for these purposes that Washington and its allies are taking comprehensive, concerted measures to contain Russia and discredit its role in international affairs." This is indeed sad news for Europe and the World. Have a good day!RS-24 Yars: Norway has become prime target, and its population does not stand a chance.  It is claimed by the Solberg Government that the new F35 aircraft are necessary for Norway's defense capabilities. And I suppose B61-12 is also meant to save the country. Not a single F35 will cross the border with Russia and not a B61-12 will fall on Russian soil.B61-12 thermonuclear gravity bomb: Norway is playing with fire Knowledgeable Vidkun Quisling did the same. He lived in an ideological dream world without ground contact with the Norwegian people's realistic ability to survive in the mind. What we experience in Norway today is betrayal of the Norwegian population. And no one seems to notice what is happening, that the country is moving quickly and safely towards the cliff. Sitting Duck? During inspection of one of the United States pre-positioning caves in the Mid-county Trondelag Norway, Secretary of the Navy Ray Mabus, left, has reason to look vorried. "We  spend millions of dollars every year, but in the long run, is it worth the money?"Secretary of the US Navy Ray Mabus, Norwegian military rightDear readers, The editor-in-chief sincerely believes that it is better to try to establish dialogue and common ground with Russia and China on the basis of empathy, respect, and dignity, than to escalate tensions and risk a nuclear confrontation. For this simple reason, in addition to being published in English, is also partially translated into Russian and Chinese; Russia in this context means the Russians living on the European side west of the Ural mountains on the Great European Plain. Thank you for your understanding and have a nice day. NORWAYHARASS AND DESTROYS THE LIVES OF MANY These are the people who like to be looked up to and walk  around with an incredible hybris of vain power. These are the people who has put the lives of many in great danger by invited foreign troops and thermo-nuclear weapons onto Norwegian soil. NORWAY'S SECRET POLICE OPERATES AS A STATE WITHIN THE STATEPainting by Adolf-Wissel: Kallenberger farmer family, 1939 The war was not over! The war which ended in 1945 has continued to this day. Norwegian secret police targets writers, journalists, and people in opposition to the lawlessness and disregard for human rights within the secret police force, the department of Justice in Oslo and other departments.  Norwegian police and scumbags breaks §90, the spy paragraph, Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union and the United Nations Human Rights when they spy on their own population for the American Embassy's SIMAS program. Infiltrates the Church and harass people during MassThis lawless secret police infiltrates the Catholic Church and turn the Church against members of their own church. The secret police put out false rumors among people, in shops, at working places to disregard and exclude enemies of the state.(Documented) Use false cellular towers to obtain dataTaps mobile phones from false cellular towers in moving and stationary veheicles, and uses the information obtained to further make life as destructive as possible. Obtain flight data from airlines to follow and further harass. (Documented) Harass Norwegian citizens abroadFollow people abroad. Operates in Spain and other countries in order to crush opposition. Provoke people on the streets in Oslo, walk them down, block entrances in doors to shops and arrive on peoples workplaces to provoke trouble so as to get people fired. (Documented) Put out sleezy rumors to discredit targets They use cheap tactics and put out rumors of homosexuality, pedophilia and other deviance's to further discredit people. They visit neighbors of targets and tell them that this person is a bad person. They do all which is humanly possible to destroy the life of any who have an opinion which goes against their own.(Documented) Create dialogue and you're an Enemy of the StateAnd they themselves do not present evidence to justify their mafia-like operations. Specially of those who will have dialogue with Russia, instead of war. You look to the East in today’s Norway, and you are as good as an enemy of the State.  The Norwegian secret police have access to a myriad of people with whom they cooperate. They work through people, so that the marks of their deed shall not be evident.  Traitors of truth and human rights. Instigators of trouble and death threats en par with Chiles right-wing Pinochet Junta. (Documented) Norway's secret  police: "The truth is what We say it is!"The Norwegian Nazi Police from the War has disappeared, but the substantive core of evil has not. This is Norway of today, on the same level as in the East German Democratic Republic DDR under Walter Ulbricht, the life under Stalin and in Croatia under Ante Pavelic.(Documented)A Dicatorship of the PartitocracyNorway has a shine-democracy - a dictatorship of the partitocracy which erodes real prosperity and real human rights for the population and operates as a State within a State. has in it's possession a huge amount of evidence of the operations of the Secret State. This is not a joke or a fantasy, it is real.  The Norwegian Quislings of today sell out Norway's population and destroys oppo-sition with an iron fist. (Documented) Security Incident Management Analysis System SIMASData mining from Government servers constitutes a serious crime and should be prosecuted. However, the United States' State Department should be careful not to exploit its Security Incident Management Analysis System, SIMAS in a dehumanizing way. (Documented) Sell out their own people to a foreign power It is a fact that Norwegian police and intelligence operatives work hand-in-glove with the United States Embassy in Oslo mining a huge amount of personal data from ordinary Norwegian citizens.  Thus, violating §90, the Spy paragraph, which states that "working for a foreign power is a serious crime and is punishable." (Documented) The Law applies equally to everyone Breaking the United Nations Human Rights and the Fundamental Charter of the European Union on personal protection is a serious crime too. Before criticizing codebreakers and journalists around the world, the United States should first scrutinize its own endeavors. You can't live crooked and think straight, weather you're a chauffeur or a Chief of State! The Law applies equally to everyone. (Documented) Until the mid 1960'ies leading Nazi's were still associated within the Norwegian Police. The Norwegian Nazi Police instigated harassment and deportation of all Norwegian Jews that they could lay their hands on and sent them express to the cremation ovens in the concentration camps in Poland. The Norwegian Police has never been indicted for its participation in administrative and practical work in the genocide of the Norwegian Jews.(Documented) The colder it gets between people the more fascism thrivesIn my own work dealing with people and dialogue in general, I have come to experience that many of us are not capable of viewing another human being right in front of ourselves with warmth, empathy, and humanness. I believe this defect to be one of several primary causes for disharmony, conflict, and war. I call this phenomenon, The coldness between people. (Documented) PEOPLE WHO RECOGNIZED THE DANGER OF FASCISMWhen we have to do with human beings there are particularly three words that comes to mind, empathy, respect and dignity. What you will read and watch here are the opposite of those three words, combined in one common slogan, "fascism". The seed of fascism lies within us, in the general public, and it is there waiting to pop out at the right time under a charismatic fascist leader. (Documented)  Click and PlayTeodor Ludwig Wiesengrund Adorno - German philosopher, ONE CANNOT FREE ONESELF IN ONES OWN COURT Norway's so called "official apology" which the Norwegian State has proclaimed, does not however, in itself give absolution for their guilt. One cannot free oneself in one’s own Court. A Police Force which has commit such a heinous crime once is able to do repeat it. The German philosopher Carl Jaspers has said, “Has it happened the first time then it can happen again!”   The German philosopher Theodor Adorno also points in this direction saying that, "Without the lack of warmth between people, Holocaust would never had happened." Click and PlayKarl Jaspers - Wesen der Existenz (Gespräch 1960)Karl Jaspers, "If it has happened once, it can happen again."  Click and PlayHannah Arendt: Das Wagnis der Öffentlicghkeit  Click and PlayErich Fromm Anatomie der menschlichen Destructivitet Erich Fromm at his writing desk in Locarno, Switzerland        EUROPEAN CONTROL               OVER TACTICAL NUCLEAR wEAPONSGERMANY JOINS  FRANCE FOR NEW EUROPEAN ARMYEUROPE'S NEW ARMY  Europe must take control over it's own future   Merkel joins Marcron for European ArmyDeep schism between Europe and the United States and NATO cannot be trusted as guardian over tactical nuclear weapons on European soil. Must be controlled by Europe, not by the United States. Глубокий раскол между Европой и Соединенными Штатами и НАТО нельзя доверять в качестве опекуна над тактическим ядерным оружием на европейской земле. Должен контролироваться Европой, а не Соединенными Штатами. 歐洲和美國以及北約之間的深刻分裂不能成為歐洲土地上戰術核武器的守護者。必須由歐洲控制,而不是由美國控制。 Click picture and Playвидео с сенсорным изображением觸摸圖片播放視頻Doktor Angela Merkel Chancellor of Germany  Angela Merkel has said EU leaders should one day consider “a real, true European army” shortly after Donald Trump ramped up a Twitter attack on Emmanuel Macron over the same idea. Speaking to the European parliament in Strasbourg, the German chancellor backed the bold step in European defense policy, as part of a speech extolling the need for EU cooperation in migration, climate change and counter-terrorism. “The times when we could rely on others is past,” she said. To a mix of applause and jeers from Eurosceptic MEPs, she said: “We have to look at the vision of one day creating a real, true European army.” The chancellor said the idea would complement NATO, but gave no details on when the ambitious idea could become reality. Her words echoed those of the French president, who in an interview said Europe needed to better defend itself. President MacronThe Visionary European LeaderMacron, an ardent advocate of closer European integration, said a joint European Union military force was needed to wean Europe off American might, not least after Trump announced he was pulling out of a Cold War-era nuclear treaty.  "We have to protect ourselves with respect to China, Russia and even the United States,"  he told Europe 1 broadcaster, suggesting for the first time that Europe might need to defend itself from America. The French president, who has enacted major defense spending hikes to bring France in line with NATO spending-targets, is spearheading the creation of a nine-country European rapid reaction force, independent from NATO. Belgia, Germany, Italy, Netherland, Luxembourg and France President Macron of France: European Army by 2024 Click picture and PlayNorway’s Factitious Disorder!Picture: A Near fanatic US criticism of the North Vietnamese regime pawed the way for 282.000 dead American soldiers. To criticize other countries as election cheaters and low-life can have dire consequences. (Photo by John Olson)A near fanatic US criticism of the North Vietnamese regime cost the lives of 282.000 American soldiers and 1.353.000 in total. To treat other countries with different point of views than ones own like dirt can have dire consequnces. In 2000 Norway entered Iran with great ambitions and was thrown out three years later. In 2010 Norway gave Nobel Peace Prize to Liu Xiaobo and was kicked out of the Peoples Republic shortly after. In both incidences Norway crawled back using its check book diplomacy. Belarus has a sitting ruler who knows what he wants. Prime Minister Erna Solberg of Norway has been in Vilnius in Lithuania and met with Svetlana Tikhanovskaja opposition leader to President Lukashenko. Norway does not like President Putin either. Leader of the Nation with the largest land mass on Earth. But that does not seem to have any meaning. Norway support the so-called democratic opposition groups in Hong Kong. While fighting for their so-called Democratic “rights” they have managed to turn the once so charming city into a battle zone at the same time suppressing the fact that Hong Kong is in fact the Mother-land.Prime Minister Erna Solberg of Norway  Norway’s position is to like what Washington prefers. And dislike the rest as low-level garbage and election cheaters. Such thinking cost the United States 282.000 casualties, while the total loss from 1955 til 1975 was 1.353.000 deaths. To accuse regimes of being corrupt, cheating or totalitarian can have dire consequences. Prime minister Erna Solberg of Norway sees it otherwise. Under her reign bilateral relations between her country and its neighbor the Russian Federation has soured and is at an all-time low point. B61-12's in an undisclosed storage vault  Following this path, Norway is hell-bent on using thermonuclear precision gravity bomb B61-12 against its Russian neighbor. And what this will lead to will make the staggering amount of US casualties during the Vietnam war look like thin tea! Have a good day. A Manufactured ThreatIran attacked no other country in over 200 years. It threatens none now. It's neighbors know it. So do Washington and Israel.President Ebrahim Risi points the way.  Nonetheless, saber rattling warnings continue. At issue is making an independent state a client one. It's why Washington orchestrated Syria's insurgency and continues anti-Iranian propaganda.  Tehran won't tolerate losing its sovereignty, nor should it. It suffered a generation of repression under Washington's installed Mohammad Reza Shah Pahlavi after the CIA's first ever coup ousted democratically elected Mohammad Mosaddegh. It also knows how America and Israel reign terror throughout the region. As a result, it's prepared to defend itself if attacked. America's business is war, permanent war for unchallenged global dominance. Post-9/11, multiple ones raged and continue. Ordinary people want them stopped. On February 4, dozens of anti-war organizations held a "Day of Mass Action to Stop a US War on Iran." Among others, The World Can't Wait announced it headlining, "NO War! NO sanctions! No intervention! No Assassinations." A press release listed dozens of participating US cities, large and small. Other known countries involved included Canada, Britain, India, Ireland, Turkey, Norway, and Bangladesh. Former US Attorney General Ramsey Clark participated. In 1992, he founded the International Action Center (IAC). Calling itself "anti-capitalist and anti-imperialist," it's committed against wars, racism, economic exploitation, and other forms of injustice. Its web site urged worldwide participation in an "emergency" protest day of action. Thousands across America alone participated. Follow-up actions are planned. People are fed up and want America's war machine stopped. Vital resources are squandered while growing needs go unaddressed. Major media scoundrels misreported about Saturday's pro and anti-government protests in Moscow, but ignored anti-war ones in their own cities and across America. In fact, they cheer lead Washington's wars. For months, their misinformation promotes war, mass killing, vast destruction, and human misery. Their reports exclude these and other key facts. Instead, they feature agitprop and bald-faced lies about a nonbelligerent state, threatening on one, including America and Israel. On February 2, FAIR's Peter Hart headlined, "Iran: This is What Propaganda Looks Like," saying: Like crabgrass infests lawns, it's "everywhere, thanks to a Senate appearance yesterday by Director of National Intelligence James Clapper." Yet his comments fell far short of justifying heightened anti-Iranian propaganda in response. "His main point was that Iran could launch attacks if it felt threatened." He also cited falsified claims that should have been condemned, not repeated as alleged facts. For example, he said: "The 2011 plot to assassinate the Saudi ambassador to the United States shows that some Iran officials - probably including (Ayatollah) Ali Khamenei - have changed their calculus and are now more willing to conduct an attack in the United States in response to real or perceived US  actions that threaten the regime." At the time, CBS News called the report "dire," saying "Iran would likely launch terrorist attacks on US soil as pressure mounts against the regime in Tehran." NBC's Matt Lauer asked if an Israeli "preemptive nuclear strike" was justified in response. Only the Wall Street Journal couldn't stomach the ludicrous charge. Obama officials claimed it was "authorized at the highest levels in Tehran," according to Carnegie Endowment for International Peace" analyst Karim Sadjadpour and many other paid-to-lie commentators, reporters, and opinion writers. In fact, the allegation didn't pass the smell test or others about Iran's alleged nuclear weapons program and wanting to wipe Israel off the map. On February 3, ABC News reported a spurious accusation about potential Iranian strikes in North America, including against Israeli facilities. It cited an Israeli "internal security document," saying:"We predict that the threat on our sites around the world will increase....on both our guarded sites and 'soft' sites." Israel's Consul General for the Mid-Atlantic States Eliran Avitan circulated the allegation. Recently in Tel Aviv, Shin Bet's Yoram Cohen told an audience that Iran plans targeting Israeli sites in retaliation for Mossad's assassinations of its nuclear scientists. All accusations are baseless. Yet ABC TV, other broadcasters, and cable channels featured them to generate anti-Iranian hostility. On January 31, ABC's Diane Sawyer introduced Pentagon correspondent Martha Raddatz's propaganda pieces complete with alarmist graphics and unrelated belligerent video footage, saying: "The saber rattling from Iran has been constant." Tehran "may be more ready than ever to launch terror attacks in the United States." Unrelated images of Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad with Venezuela's Chavez and  Fidel Castro in Cuba were featured, saying these leaders "have little love for the US." Neither do growing millions worldwide, especially throughout the Middle East and Afghanistan where US policies and officials are reviled with good reason. Notably, since Iran's 1979 revolution and US hostage crisis, Washington's been spoiling for a fight. The Carter administration considered invading and seizing its oil fields. Reagan escalated Carter's policies short of committing US forces in combat. Saddam then got US backing. A decade of war followed. America pretended support for both sides, but mostly gave it to Iraq. US/Iranian relations remain tense. Washington's sought regime change for years. Various confrontational tactics include on and off saber rattling, sanctions, dire


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